Climate Hypocrites - Texas Voted Best State For Business

3 years ago

Climate hypocrisy? Biden takes heat for carbon footprint at U.N. summit

President Biden is burning a lot of fossil fuels in the name of fighting climate change.

The president was accused of hypocrisy for his 85-vehicle motorcade last weekend at the Group of 20 summit in Rome, followed by his 21-car convoy from Edinburgh to Glasgow, Scotland, for the U.N. Conference of the Parties, or COP26, climate confab. The BBC headline Tuesday declared: “COP26: Onlookers transfixed by Biden’s 21-strong motorcade,” while Fox News dubbed the conference a “gas-guzzling get-together.”

Elite Hypocrisy on Display at Glasgow Climate Summit

President Biden and other world leaders are gathered in Glasgow, Scotland this week for a United Nations summit on climate change. It's basically a self-flagellation ceremony for the leaders of the world to traverse from their respective countries around the globe in order to talk about how evil carbon emissions are and what they're going to do to supposedly save the world.

OH, THE HYPOCRISY: Private jets pack Scotland’s climate conference

The climate summit kicked off Monday in Scotland, with leaders from the countries signed on to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Climate Agreement in attendance.

The Top 12 Celebrity Climate Hypocrites

Celebrities hate being called out for their hypocrisy.

In observance of this, we looked at 12 celebrities who are so disconnected from reality that they can’t see the hypocrisy in sitting in their big houses while condemning middle class Americans for driving too much, or for not switching their entire lifestyles to eco-friendly. These celebrities are worth a combined total of $1.9 billion, according to Celebrity Net Worth.

Leading CEO’s vote Texas the ‘Best State for Business’

Texas has been named the Best State for Business for the 17th year in a row by the nation’s top CEO’s. In an annual survey conducted by Chief Executive Magazine, evaluation of each state’s business climate, workforce, and quality of life are ranked and Texas has led each year since the ranking’s inception.

Federal spending spree continues to outpace budget projections

Based on last month’s federal budget, the Trudeau government plans to run an eye-popping $154.7 billion deficit this year and accumulate more than $330 billion in debt over the next five years. Crucially, the government will make the fiscal situation even worse if it continues to spend more than it budgets.

To a large degree, spending choices helped drive federal deficits even before the pandemic. In the Harper government’s final budget, it forecasted program spending (total spending minus interest costs) of $262.3 billion in 2015/16. However, the Trudeau government immediately increased spending once it took office and nixed the balanced budget plan of the previous government.

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