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What is a cat??
Cats, Felis Silvestris Catus, are a kind of carnivore. The word "cat" usually refers to the "cat" that has been tamed, but can also refer to "big cats" like lions, tigers and tigers.
Cats have blended with human life at least 6,000 years of SM, from cat skeletons on Cyprus Island. [4 Cats, Felis Silvestris Catus, are a kind of carnivore. The word "cat" usually refers to the "cat" that has been tamed, [3] but can also refer to "big cats" like lions, tigers and tigers.
Cats have blended with human life at least 6,000 years of SM, from cat skeletons on Cyprus Island. The ancient Egypt from 3,500 BC has used a cat as keeping rats or rodents from the barn which stores the yields.
This period, cats are one of the most popular pets in the world. The cat whose lineage was officially recorded as a cat breed or pure lines (Pure Breed), such as Persia, Siam, Manx, Sphinx. Cats like this are usually bred in the maintenance of official animals. Many race cats are only 1% of all cats in the world, the rest are cats with mixed offspring such as wild cats or village cats.
Pet cats or home cats are one of the greatest predators in the world. These cats can kill or eat a few thousand species, a grand cat is usually less than 100. But because of its small size, cats are not so dangerous for humans. The only danger that can arise is the probability of the occurrence of rabies infection of the impact of cat bites and also the scratch of cat nails that are very painful and painful. Cats are able to fatal consequences for an ecosystem that is not a place to live. In some cases, cats play a role or cause extinction. Cats ambush and paralyze prey in a way similar to lions and tigers, bit your crowd with sharp canine teeth so that the bone nerves lately or cause prey to run out of breath by damaging the throat. The ancient Egypt from 3,500 BC has used a cat as keeping rats or rodents from the barn which stores the yields.
This period, cats are one of the most popular pets in the world. The cat whose lineage was officially recorded as a cat breed or pure lines (Pure Breed), such as Persia, Siam, Manx, Sphinx. Cats like this are usually bred in the maintenance of official animals. Many race cats are only 1% of all cats in the world, the rest are cats with mixed offspring such as wild cats or village cats.
Pet cats or home cats are one of the greatest predators in the world. These cats can kill or eat a few thousand species, a grand cat is usually less than 100. But because of its small size, cats are not so dangerous for humans. The only danger that can arise is the probability of the occurrence of rabies infection of the impact of cat bites and also the scratch of cat nails that are very painful and painful. Cats are able to fatal consequences for an ecosystem that is not a place to live. In some cases, cats play a role or cause extinction. Cats ambush and paralyze prey in a way similar to lions and tigers, bit your crowd with sharp canine teeth so that the bone nerves lately or cause prey to run out of breath by damaging the throat.
Cats are assumed as "perfect carnivores" with special gear and digestive flow. Premolar and molar teeth form a pair of fangs on each side of the mouth that do effective work such as scissors as tearing up meat. Although this characteristic is also found in the families of Canidae or dogs, but this characteristic expands better in cats. Unlike a carnivore, the cat barely meals anything that contains plants. Bears and dogs sometimes eat fruit, roots, or honey as supplements if present while cats only eat meat, usually hunted fresh. In captivity, cats are not able to be adapted with a vegetarian diet because they are unable to synthesize all the amino acids they need just by eating plants; Unlike the pet dog, which is often fed a mixed meat and vegetable products and is sometimes able to adapt to a total vegetarian diet.
Even though it has a reputation as loner animals, cats are usually able to form wild colonies but do not attack in a collection like a lion. Each cat has its own region (male sexually active has the largest region, while sterile male has the smallest area) and there is always a "neutral" area where cats are able to monitor or meet each other without present territorial conflicts or attacks. Outside this neutral area, ordinary regional rulers will pursue foreign cats, begins with staring, sizzling, until growling, and if the foreign cat remains, there will usually be a short fight.
Cats who are fighting up the body's hair and arches back so they look more grand. The attack usually consists of slap in the face and body with the front leg which is sometimes accompanied by a bite. Serious injuries to cats the impact of fights rarely because the losers will usually run after experiencing several injuries on the face. Active male is usually often involved in many fights throughout his life. It appears on various injuries on the face, such as the nose or ear. Female cats are sometimes involved in fighting as protecting their children and even sterile cats will keep their small regions persistently.
Seeing from the behavior of the cat present today, wild cats which are pet cat ancestors are estimated to evolve in the desert climate. Cats are happy with the warm atmosphere and often sleep under the warmth of the sun. The dirt is usually dry and cats prefer to bury it in a sandy place. Cats are able to sculpture, do not make effort a long time especially when they are prey or want to be "pouce". In North Africa being found wild cats that might be familiar with the ancestors of this period.
Because it has a kinship that is familiar with desert animals, cat resistance to the heat and the cold of the subtropical region's climate is more limited. Cats are not resistant to fog, rain, and snow, even though there are several types such as Norwegian Forest Cat and Maine Coon which can survive; And try to maintain the body temperature normally, which is 39 ° C, in such a wet goal. Most cats don't like soaking in liquids, except Turkish van.
Pregnancy or gestation period ranges from 63 days in cats. Kittens are born blind and deaf. Their eyes just open at the age of 8-10 days. The kitten will be weaned by the parent at the age of 6-7 Sunday and sexual maturity is achieved at the age of 10-15 months. Cats are able to contain 4 fetuses at once because the womb has a special structure with 4 different parts.
Cats usually weigh 2.5 to 7 kilograms and rarely exceed 10 kg. When fed, very very, cats can reach 23 kg weight. But this condition is very unhealthy for cats and must be avoided. In captivity, cats are able to live for 15 to 20 years, the oldest cat is known to be 36 years old. Pet cats that are not allowed out of the house and sterilized can live longer (reduce the risk of fighting and accidents). Wild cats that live around related to modern urban only live for 2 years or even less than that.
The pet cat who lives in the house must be given a dirt box containing sand or special materials sold at a pet shop. It should also be provided a special place for cats as scratching. This is important because cats need this clawed activity as to take off the old layer on the nails so that his nails are able to stay sharp and maintained his health. Not present this particular place will cause cats to damage the furniture.
Cats often show food-picking behavior. This is because they have a special cone organ on the ceiling of the mouth called Vomeronasal organs or Jacobson's organs. When this organ is stimulated by a particular type of food, cats will refuse food other than the food.
Cats are able to see in a very bright light. They have a rainbow membrane or iris to form a gap in the eyes that will narrow. Even so, this narrowing also reduces the field of view of the cat. An organ called the lacidum tapetum is used in a surroundings associated with a little light. This organs caused the colorful cat's eyes when photographed using Blitz. Like most predators, both cat eyes facing forward, resulting in perception of distance and reducing the barrier of the field of view. Cat's eyes have weak tricomatic perceptions.
When the light comes too a little as a look, the cat will use "mustache" or his magic (vibrissae) as helping him determine the direction and become an additional sensory tool. Misai is able to detect very small wind changes, creating cats able to know things present objects around them without seeing.
Cat has a third eyelids which is called niktians membrane. This third petal consists of a thin layer that is able to cover the eyes and appear when the cat's eyes open. This membrane closes partly when cats are sick. Sometimes cats who are very sleepy or happy also show this membrane.
The sound of cats is often written "meong" in Indonesian. In English used in America, the sound of cats was written "meow". In the UK itself, the writing is "Miaow", "Miaow" in French, "Miau" in German, "her" in Japanese and various writing in various languages. The "Meong" voice cat has a variety of purpose depending on the cat. Cats are also able to make sounds like long snoring that humans often like. Because this sound is not a vocal voice, therefore cats are able to emit snoring and mengeong at the same time.
Generally all leaf cat ears are upright. Unlike dogs, cats with folded ears are very rarely found. The type of Scottish Fold is one type of cat with this rare genetic mutation. When angry or scared, this type of cat's ear leaves will be bent to later while the cat removes growling or hiss. When listening to a voice, the cat's ear leaves will make effort towards the sound source; The cat's ear leaves were able to point forward, to the side, even as if they turned to later.
Cats including clean animals. They often take care of themselves by licking their hair. Their salivary or saliva is a deputy entrepreneur who negotiated a strong cleaner, but is able to trigger allergies in humans. Sometimes the cat vomits hairball or hair rolls collected in their stomachs.
Cats save energy by sleeping more often than animals. The long time of cat sleep varies from 12-16 hours per day, with an average of 13-14 hours. But it is not uncommon for a cat who sleeps for 20 hours in one day.
Pet cat
Many types of racial cats throughout the world are very many. Each race has special features, but because of the frequent occurrence of interracial cross marriages, many cats are only grouped in long feathers and short feathers, depending on the type of hair cover.
Present many kinds of cat races, some of them:
Some people call it Rumpy. The tail is short, the color of the brown and lavender. It is faithful, friendly and smart.
Maine Coon
Originally from Maine, US, Angora and American Shorthair. It is funny, shy but want, and easily familiar. The fur is thin, soft, and the color varies.
British Shorthair
Developed in England. This cat is calm, soft, warm and smart. The color of the blend is plain present (white, black, blue, red and cream), dwiwarna, thick black, striped.
Burmese (Burma)
This cat is bred by Dr. Thompson (US) from Cat Queen Wong wants (Burma) and Siam. Color chocolate weasel, the color of blue, champagne, lifa, red, chocolate, and blue turtle. It is cheerful and funny.
Chinchilla Longhair
This is the most elegant Persian cat. His ancestors from England. This race is divided into two kinds, namely bright (true) chinchilla and more less dark (silver gradation).
Kind of color
Cats has many colors and patterns. This physical characteristic does not depend on the race. Home cats are grouped into the following types based on physical appearance:
• Short feathers
• Long fur
• Oriental (not a special race, all the cats are slimming, almond-tangible eyes, wide ear leaves, and short body hair short)
Genes that regulate the color and pattern of cat hair determine the physical appearance of cats that distinguish them into:
Telon or Calico.
The white foundation with black or orange (or blue or cream). Japanese often call this pattern as mi-to. Because the feather color controller gene lies in genital chromosome (sex), this colorful telon cat is generally female.
black with orange and white color spread throughout his body. Cats that have black, bright orange and dark orange is called as Calimanco or Clouded Tiger.
striped with various patterns. Classic pattern on this cat tangible dots or circles. Tabby mackerel species actually three lines that appear on the side of his body, creating a cat is like a mackerel.
the old name of the blue cat (gray).
Bicolor (two colors)
Also called tuxedo paint or jellycle paint because it has black feathers with a little white on the legs, stomach, chest, and maybe on the face.
Like animals that have experienced domestication (tamers), cats live in mutualistic relationships with humans. But the history of mutualism is much shorter than the domestication animal and the cat domestication level is also debated. Because of the benefits obtained from the present cat, therefore humans let wild cats roam the settlement. Home-home cat ancestors are not too familiar with their owners, different from their domestic animals. This history might cause not present a strong bond that cat owned by the owner. As a result, most cat owners consider cats to be animals that are not too caring and independent. However, cats were able to be very familiar with their owners, especially if he was raised since childhood and often received attention.
Aspects of the rules from a long time ago
In the past it was believed that the ancestors of cats were Miacis, wild animals in the eocene period whose figure resembled a weasel, about 50 million years ago.
The earliest note about the business domestication of cats is around 4000 BC in Egypt, when cats are used as keeping food stores from rat attacks. However, recently in a meal at Shillourokambos, Cyprus, 7500 BC, found a cat skeleton buried with humans. Because mice are not genuine Cyprus animals, this shows that at that time, there has been a cat domesticated business. The cat skeleton found in Cyprus is similar to the species of wild cats which are the ancestors of this period of home cats.
In the 1,800s, a grave is found or exactly "the site" contains 300,000 mummies of cats in this case is intact, which signifies the first cat is indeed a special animal. The ancient Egyptians consider cats as the incarnation of Dewi Bast, also known as bastet or thet. The penalty as killing a cat is dead, and if the presence of a dead cat is sometimes buried like a human.
In 100 mid-year, cats are often assumed to associate with magicians and are often killed by burnt or thrown from high places. Some advanced history argued that this Ehyhyul was what caused the Black Death outbreak to spread quickly. Black Death is budgeted is an outbreak of PES in Europe in 100 years 14. The rapid spread of this outbreak caused many people when it believed that Satan was caused the disease. The Pope's statement stated that cats roaming released at all allied with Satan. Because of this statement, many cats were killed in Europe at that time. The decrease in many cat populations causes increasing many mice, actual PES bearer animals.
This period, people believe that black cats are bad luck while present who believes that black cats actually bring good luck. Cats are also being associated with magic. Black cats are often associated with Halloween. Wicca and neopaganism adherents have trusted that cats are actually good, can be related to the world of jautan, and are able to feel the event of evil spirits.
In Asia, cats are included in one of Vietnam's zodiac. But cats are not included in Tionghoa's zodiac. According to the legend, when the king of heaven held a party as an animal to be chosen into a zodiac, he sent a rat as inviting the animals he had chosen. The part of the story is separated in various versions, the mice forgets as inviting cats, mice cheats the cat about the day of the party, and the various variations of the link. On the later the cat was absent from the party, was not chosen into a zodiac beast, to have a grudge in the mouse.
In Islamic law, a Muslim is ordered to be unwilling or even killing a cat, based on the Shahih hadith narrated by the Story of Abdullah bin Umar and the dust of Hurairah.
The law of selling and making the purchase of cats in the Islamic law is illegal His law based on the prophecy of the Hadith Prophet Muhammad and the fiqih raid (al-Qawa'id al-Kulliyah). Dalil hadith Muhammad, narrated by Jabir bin Abdillah's companion, the Prophet has banned eating cats and forbidding them to eat cats. The hadith of Muhammad became illegal consolidated cats and counseled cats. So Muslims are banned as trafficking cats as they are banned at eating cat meat.
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