Over 70 people dress as ‘Minions’ and cheer the arrival of leader 'Gru’ at Halloween party

3 years ago

This incredible video filmed shows over 70 people dressed as ‘Minions’ from the Despicable Me franchise as they cheer the arrival of their leader ‘Gru’.

The 70 students decided to film a famous scene from the first Despicable Me, where the creator and the leader of the Minions ‘Gru’, addresses his followers with his mission statement of stealing the Moon.

Gru- played by Charlie Knoelke is seen walking up-the-stairs of what the brothers call "Middle House" to the group of Minions patiently and excitedly awaiting his arrival.

Upon his arrival the Minions cheer him and he then makes a proclamation that "we're going to steal the moon" sending the cluster of minions into a frenzy.

The video was taken by student Jack Gilliam, of the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, at DePauw University, in Greencastle, Indiana.

Fellow Student Wallace Renie came up with the idea that he, Jack, and the rest of their fraternity brothers all dressed up as Minions for Halloween.

Jack Gilliam, 22 said: "The collective reaction was sheer joy as we thought the whole idea was hilarious and were excited to see what it looked like on film.

“Everyone I've come across that has seen the video thought it was hilarious, and many people have reached out to me and other members of my fraternity saying how we made their Halloween.

“This video has received a more positive reception than I was anticipating. What we thought was just going to be a hilarious clip ended up being a piece of many viewers Halloween and making their weekend.”

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