It's good but needs to get better #noquarter #justiceforashlii

3 years ago

In the first round of the fight between The Great Reset vs The Great Awakening it's good for now but needs to get better . Enter Mark Elias aka the election " fixer " . Known for " fixing " lost elections , with this snake in the grass involved be prepared for anything . I have an explosive report on " Love for sale Lindsey Graham trying to demand that Jan 6th protestors be shot . This fraudulent administration is already putting the hurt on us and they haven't even started yet , they have much more pain headed our way . Another suicide bomb attack at a Kabul Hospital . This BS administration was not kidding about treating the Taliban as a legitimate government . Another step towards the Great Reset happens in Utah with the introduction of a digital drivers license . Catholic beliefs are being banned from Notre Dame . The progression towards automated cars is speeding up . We must stop this !

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