How The NIH, CDC, FDA Ignore People Who Suffer Vaccine Injuries

3 years ago

Brianne Dressen, who was part of the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials, describes her attempts to get help from AstraZeneca, NIH, CDC, and FDA after being seriously injured by the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Brianne was part of an expert panel on medical mandates and vaccine injuries that was hosted by U.S. Senator Ron Johnson in Washington D.C. on Tuesday, November 2, 2021.

"The heads of the NIH, FDA, and CDC have known first hand about my case and thousands of others. These direct reports began as early as last December. I along with several injured physicians continued to reach out to the FDA through emails, phone calls, we did video conferences with Peter Marks and Janet Woodcock -- constant emails with Janet Woodcock and myself directly. We have literally asked, we have begged repeatedly for them to acknowledge these reactions. They declined. They know their lack of acknowledgement has created an insurmountable barrier to our ability to receive medical care from doctors who rely on these agencies for information. They know about the issues with the clinical trials. They know about the deaths. They know about the lack of follow up on VAERS. They known about the injuries to children . . . They know about the mandates imposed on the injured. They know about the suicides as the result of months long suffering. They know about the aggressive censorship. They know about the media's censorship. They know about the scientific censorship. THEY KNOW ALL OF IT! And they have for months!"

"FDA, NIH, CDC -- your system is broken and you know it! You are constantly and persistently telling the public that your review of the data is thorough and your safety signaling systems are robust when in reality there is huge gaps in your system EVERY SINGLE STEP OF THE WAY. You are not taking care of those who suffer severe adverse reactions. Stop telling the public that you are. Your refusal to take action means that there will be more like us. Take responsibility for your role in the suffering of good Americans who did their part by taking the vaccine and had no idea that this could happen to them.

"Here is your proper informed consent: If you get COVID, you will get medical help. But I'm afraid to tell you if you have this reaction [pointing to herself], that reaction, that reaction, Maddie's reaction, Doug's reaction [pointing to other people who suffered serious vaccine injuries], you are on your own. The government won't help you. The drug companies won't help you. Your medical teams will have no idea what to do with you. Financially you will be on your own. You will be completely on your own."


Watch The Complete Panel Discussion Here

Background Information Is Available Here


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COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS)

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