GR54A- Of Terra and Sol

3 years ago

Of Terra we ask for the peace that is our birthright, and wealth, which is our joy to give and be one with our neighbor in the Family of Light. The drama of the 21st Century seems too much to endure and yet it is only beginning to increase in heat as the fire burns hotter and hotter. The blue fire is the hottest and purges and purifies into the molten gold all the dross of the planet’s crude and darkened friction. The lightening bolt strikes, and sparks fly as the days of the ending of time approach. Everywhere the eyes of the children of Terra awaken and see the Black Age of the Kali Yuga fall.
Turn your eyes upward and see the pillar of light descend to bring your alignment. The world around gravitates towards the center with each evil being thrown off into the void as the spin increases faster and faster. The children’s merry-go-round is symbolic of the spinning vortex you are upon. At the edge, the centripetal forces push you into horizontal extension out of balance and away from the center. You feel as if you are sliding off into oblivion as the spin moves faster and faster. In confusion and fear you are finding that the spin swings every physical atom away from the center.
Hold to the center and spin within and let the panorama of life and the dramas of wars, depressions, crime, violence, deceit, greed and conflict see it being cast off from your merry-go-round. All is well within the center. Stay balanced and allow anything that is not of your higher being and future destiny of health, wealth and wisdom to fly away, let it move out of your field.
You understand that this center only horizontal but a vortex that is spinning in all direction and with greater force and speed. The spins of the sphere are sending outward from its sacred-space-of-the-eternal-now all that has existed in time and space and all that was destined. All lives lived and all lives dreamed are seeing the ideas that were manifested and those emotional empowered pulled out of the body so that that the inner body of light may be born.
The great sound, the roar of the lion and the song of the Whale bring power to the open cave of the soul wherein the heart of the Eagle is the Bull’s Eye. In myth and magic you are awakening to realize the time of change has come. Waves of change are rushing into your protected reality and no barrier can stop them from being seen. The beings of other worlds and the memories of ancient lives come to be remembered and welcomed. This is the time of the mind opening to its wisdom and telepathic communication.
Terra and Sol stream the light of love and the love of light into the portal of the dream of being. In clairvoyant understanding you are aware now that the gate is opened to the space within your heart. The center point of your being is found and there the spinning ceases and you see under the canopy of existence your lives and your purpose. You awaken to the light of your multidimensional being and are now given the keys and codes to creation. You are the creator of your world when you are centered in the space where time does not exist in the point called The Now, where the flow of the Tao is balanced throughout all the dimensions. Where the counter-rotating merkaba is stabilized ,and you are calm in motionlessness, silent in soundlessness, and in deep meditation of oneness with everything.
From within comes your soul that you have long known as your spirit’s deepest essence. Your soul comes from within, in this moment deep and abiding, calm and assured, divine and pure. The light rises up from the unknown that you are and you begin to feel the mystic presence of compassion, forgiveness and grace.
Always you have walked on the shore of being, where the divine light is given to you, the way to know your own being. The reflection of time was given to you to experience the other worlds, where you could extend into being and see the contrast of existence and set upon courses of discovery. There was always the risk that on this journey you could get lost and be lost for a time until you could find your why back to the family. It was known that as far as you could go, in whichever direction, there was nowhere where you could not be found.
There comes a time upon the wheel of destiny where the Family of Light calls for all to return. You are the Wayshowers who seek the lost ones and bring them back into the light of their being and show them the path home. There are no new journeys that are needed, for the path is always about joy and living in the experience of divine creation. The Wayshowers are here to bring the guiding light back to Terra and to show this path to the dark ones who seek to hide from the Light of Sol. Sol is the guardian of this system and you are hearing the call of the mother of creation from the Galactic Heart call out to the Family and call to bring them to the Golden Age of the Satya Yuga.
The multidimensional mind is opening the portal of initiation. Andwithin your sphere is the center where you are calm, collected and assured. Let the spinning stop and slowly turn with the wheel of fortune in harmony with the celestials. Move in harmony with the Galaxy as it moves in perfect alliance with the greater galaxies and the pull of the universe.

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