Shalom Israel 57 Dominic Rubin UK

3 years ago

Shalom Israel

O emisiune despre Istoria, Cultura si Religia si viata poporului Israel

Show: 57

Guests: Dominic Rubin, Anglia, Rusia;
- Director, Communications & Research
- B.A. in Hebrew and History, University of Oxford, Ph.D. in Theoretical Linguistics, School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London
- Fluent in Russian, French and Hebrew, basic Arabic
- Expert on Philosophy, Politics, Religion, Intellectual History
- Lecturer at Higher School of Economics, Moscow
- Lecturer in Linguistics at London and Cambridge Universities
- Corporate Communications for Uniastrum, one of Russia’s leading retail and investment banks, and other major Russian companies
- Script Editing and Translation for one of Russia’s national TV channels

Moderator: Ioan Peia

Dear friends welcome to our Tv show Shalom Israel, show about the Culture, History, Life and Religion of the Israel People.
Today we have the privilege to have as guest Mr. Dominic Rubin from Rusia.
Welcome in Romania Mr. Rubin and in our TV Show Shalom Israel.

1. What was the pourpose of your visit in Romania?

A. Dominic Rubin

2. What you had to share with the Christian believers in this Conference?

A. Dominic Rubin

3. Mr Rubin you have a special relationship with people of Israel. What were the main moments of your spiritual journey as a Jew?

A. Dominic Rubin

4. Who influenced you to find more about the people of the New Covenant? How you become a part of this people?

A. Dominic Rubin

5. How you came to realize that Yeshua from Nazareth is the Mashiach of Israel?
A. Dominic Rubin

6. Do you consider your spiritual experience as a conversion from a religion to another religion?

A. Dominic Rubin

7. What happened in your life after reconsidering your relationship with Yeshua from Nazareth?
A. Dominic Rubin
8. What you are doing practicaly in order to build the relationship between the Body of Yeshua and Israel?

A. Dominic Rubin

9. What You have learned about the Jewish people from this perspective of Christian believer?

A. Dominic Rubin

10. What is in your heart for your own nation? Do you try to influence the Jewidh believers spiritualy as a Christian?

A. Dominic Rubin

A. Dominic Rubin


A. Dominic Rubin
Dear Mr. Rubin, thank you for visiting Romania and participating in our TV show Shalom Israel.
May the Lord God of Abraham and the Father of Yeshua from Nazareth bless all of us.
Until the next Show we wish to all
Shalom, Shalom Romania, Shalom Rusia, Shalom Israel!

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