How to find the Bluetooth chip in vaccinated people

3 years ago

This video shows how to use the Bluetooth Scanner app to identify the chip with vaccinated people.

Now anyone with a mobile phone can discover the microchips of the vaccinated through a simple Bluetooth scanning app, which instantly displays all the numbers (MAC addresses) of the
microchips within the range of the Bluetooth signal which is about 50-100 meters. For Android users the best app is “Bluetooth Scanner” by Zoltan Pallagi. Alternatively you can also use “Find My Bluetooth Device” or “Free EMF Detector, EMF Meter – ElectroSmart”. For Iphone users these will be “BLE Scanner 4.0”, “Find My Bluetooth Device Pro”, “Find My Bluetooth Device” or “Scanner Bluetooth".

Install the app and just start the scanner and immediately on the screen will be displayed the Bluetooth based microchips injected in the vaccinated individuals within the range of 50 to 100 meters. They come up as Type: Unknown, Name: Unknown, Services: Unkown and Vendor: Unkown. A quick check on confirms that these Bluetooth device are truly not registered
anywhere and their purpose is completely unknown. The user can immediately identify that these devices are mobile and they come on the screen and disappear from it depending on the number of people around, which means that it is people who are carrying these Bluetooth devices, yet they definitely are not their mobile phones as
the mobile phones come up with clear names, types, services and vendors and also different MAC addresses. Now any vaccinated person can
identify precisely the number (MAC address) of his Covid vaccine microchip by going to an area where there’s no one around within 50-100
meters (including the buildings), starting the app and seeing the only result that appears on the screen. This number might vary, yet the
presence of this unidentified Bluetooth device will be there always even if there’s nobody around in the range of 50-100 meters. If the user
goes for the paid version (highly recommended and costs just about £1.5 for an year and £5 for a life-time) he can use cool additional features
like filters and the ability to attach a name to each unknown device. This can help a lot as it gives the possibility to look up for a descriptive
name rather than a number.
The app also allows for identifying precisely on which arm the first inoculation was done. This can be accomplished with the DEVICE FINDER option. The arm that was inoculated with the first jab (the microchipping event) always gives the maximum reading. As the power of the signal varies the readings can be different, but usually on this app they come up around the -40dBm range when the phone is at the spot, but can also be much lower. The paid version gives the functionality of filtering the results by power of the signal, which helps a lot the detection process. A wonderful video explaining the new “Bluetooth mesh”, an entirely independent of the internet new communication
network based only on Bluetooth devices explains why the elites have chosen this type of connectivity for the vaccination mic rochips. Sourse:
Bitchute / Mesh Bluetooth - HUMAN ANTENAS - INTERNET OF THINGS .
As these Bluetooth microchips emit 24/7 RF radiation which is higher than 4G they impose not only risk regarding the privacy of the personal information, emotional and mind control, but they are also a real health risk to their carrier. A simple X-ray picture should be able to reveal the exact location of the microchip and the most basic surgical procedure will
remove it without any complications as it is seen on this video: source: Bitchute / Magnetic chip is out (2/2) . You are advised to ask your doctor for a X-Ray picture and removal of the microchip as the health, emotional and mind control risks are high.

Important links:

Telegram group dedicated to finding and eliminating the chips in the vaccinated people:

Leaflet about the undeclared substances - contaminants and the Bluetooth chip in the vaccinated:
or visit
or join the Telegram group VaxChipFinder

My website where I give complex solutions for the society:

The Bluetooth mesh.

How much radiation do cellphones & earbuds emit

Bluetooth wireless radiation is it safe? Measuring Bluetooth Dangers of wireless radiation.

High frequency VAXED people

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