Not piroshki, but real gold! Taught all my friends! Everyone is delighted! Piroshki like fluff!

3 years ago


1lt warm milk
11g yeast
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp salt
4 tbsp vegetable oil
1.5 kg flour (you may need more or less depending on the flour)


500g potatoes
1 onion
salt, pepper, turmeric to taste
1 tbsp butter

Add yeast, sugar, salt, vegetable oil to warm milk and mix everything. Next, sift the flour. The dough should stick a little to your hands. Leave the dough in a warm place for 1 hour. For the filling, boil the potatoes, add salt. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil, add turmeric and pepper. Make mashed potatoes, add fried onions and butter. Divide the dough into parts and lay out the filling. Fry in hot oil. Bon Appetit😋

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