Opposing forces at play in COVID-19 - Steroids suppress, vaccines stimulate???

3 years ago

The current scientific approach to stop the COVID-19 pandemic through injectable vaccines is likely to be fundamentally flawed if the primary treatment is immunosuppression. Both approaches are not likely to be correct if we understand the immune system and disease.

Water is not the solution if the cause of a fire is electrical. First understand the situation and choose the most appropriate intervention. Water on an electrical fire can be a disaster even though it will work in most other circumstances.

Based on our research, it has found that severe COVID-19 (leading to hospitalisation and death) is likely to be a viral mediated autoimmune disease. It is therefore possible that injectable vaccines targeting the spike protein could make the disease worse.

Over the next few weeks, my series "I'd rather be wrong" will detail some of the possible outcomes in an autoimmune disease when we use vaccines that produce spike proteins that also bind to serum ACE-2.

Science can be very predictable.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRzOzr7d0T0

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