Remembering Luther: Ideas which helped to create modern society

2 years ago

We cannot escape the collective unconscious. Which is why humans cannot supersede the bounds of their own humanity. Ultimately attempts to alter the manner in which we are nurtured to change our nature cannot escape this reality and are likely to have disastrous consequences.

Yet very rule has its exceptions. For to my first assertion, we must add epigenetics which is the study of the impact of epigenetics on behaviour both on an individual and group level. Which is proof every rule will have its exceptions. Epigenetics is the study of how our behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way our genes function. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible and do not alter our DNA sequence, but they can affect how our bodies will read a DNA sequence. Epigenetics is a chief consideration in behavioural genetics which is the interdisciplinary effort of establishing causal links between genes and animal (including human) behavioural traits and neural mechanisms. Methods used include twin studies, quantitative trait mapping by linkage to allelic variants, transgenic animals and targeted gene disruption or silencing.

Complex stuff? You betacha! So, permit me to attempt to fulfil the purpose of this channel and this particular podcast by distilling and synthesising my hypothesis. Repeated behaviours based upon socially generated generally held ideas will affect entire populations who live in the same social structure on an epigenetic level. But what did this mean in practical terms? Have you noticed the radical departure from what was previously, just two short years ago defined as “normal”? The root cause for this departure is glaringly obvious, we are being fed toxic ideas which are undermining social order which takes me back to the first premise that these ideas contradict human nature. Which leads me to the second premise, epigenetic changes are happening which cause people to accept toxic ideas.

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