Episode 48 – National Restoration Starts with National Prayer and Repentance

2 years ago

Episode 48 – National Restoration Starts with National Prayer and Repentance

God has told us that there is no reason for America to be destroyed. He told us that If we will follow God’s decrees and if we are careful to obey God’s commands, that He will send us rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit in abundance. Our threshing will continue until grape harvest and until the next grape harvest.

God has promised that, if America will humble ourselves before God, He will grant peace in our land, and no one will give us a reason to be, afraid, internationally or domestically, and that the sword will not pass through our country.

God has promised all of us that, if we repent of our loss of faith and of the sins that have caused God to judge America, such as the murder of our unborn and how we have corrupted Marriage, then, He will grant us the power to pursue our enemies, and that He will make them to fall, by the sword, before us.

God has pledged that if we recommit to following God’s precepts, individually and as a nation, He will look on us with favor and make us fruitful and united and that it is not God who is breaking His promises to us, even though we have strayed far from His presence. He is waiting to bless America again, but He never will; not in the defiled, corrupt and ungodly state we currently find ourselves.

We must march in Washington and bow ourselves to our knees, in repentance before Him. If we do not, God has also told us what our repercussions for our stiff-necked disobedience will wrought for the nation.

God's Word tells us how fearful and how foolish it would be to fall into the hands of an angry and offended God! America is in just that situation, right now. The Truth always sets free the saved, washed, cleansed, redeemed, blessed sinners saved by the shed blood of Jesus.

But the Truth will be judge, jury and enforcer, for those that not only reject Christ's offer of rebirth, but who also willfully seek to impede God’s will for Humankind and God’s call to national repentance for America.

If we will not listen to the Living God’s demands, if we reject God’s dictates and loathe His laws and refuse to repent, as a nation, then the God, who established America will cause us to lay in ruin, as a people.

Failure, as a nation, to turn back to the Living Lord will bring sudden terror, deadly plagues and death that will destroy our sight and utterly impoverish us economically, socially and politically.

Has this not already been decreed against us, as a nation? Are we not, even right now, fully under the deadly judgement of the only Holy God? Let’s talk about it all together, on the Above-Ground Underground Podcast…

Dr. Steven Clark Bradley PhD


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