Australian News Roasts Joe Biden: “Needs a Retirement Home and a Warm Bowl of Soup”

3 years ago

Anchors for Australia’s Sky News mocked Joe Biden’s declining mental state after another series of public gaffes during speeches on Friday.

Host Rita Panahi began the segment by asking, “What in God’s name is Joe Biden trying to say?”

The Aussie network played a video clip of Biden saying, “As one computer said, if you’re on the train, and they say Portal Bridge, you know you better make other plans…”

Both hosts struggled to hold back their laughter as they listened to bumbling Biden.

After watching another verbal slip-up by Joe, Panahi told viewers, “This man needs a retirement home and a warm bowl of soup, not access to the nuclear codes.”

“The man is in need of a lie-down, a pudding, time with his grandchildren. He has no business being in the White House,” she added.

America’s “leader” is literally the laughingstock of the world, and it’s easy to see why with Biden living up to his “Sleepy Joe” nickname by falling asleep during the United Nations Climate Change Conference on Monday.

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