Out of Ashes we Rise

3 years ago

Out of Ashes We Rise October 28th, 2021
Dear Lord, thank you that
Your grace is beyond measure. May we come to know Your power and grace to
overcome the obstacles in our lives. May the things that stand in our way
become examples of Your limitless power. Help us to bring You glory on this
earth and may we be steadfast, immovable and always abounding in our work for
You Jesus. Amen.

Blessed Mother began,
“Refuges will become more prevalent now so that the Lord’s faithful will have
places to go. I have advised many of my children about establishing last minute
refuges. My Son will give special graces for those who will live in these
refuges and it is wise to store several containers of water.

“Most importantly dear ones
is your faith in God. He will provide for you beyond what you can think of or
even imagine. The deeper your faith, the more God can accomplish through you
and others in your refuge. Do not be concerned about who the Lord sends to your
refuge and do not judge outward appearances, you will be given the gift of
knowledge and those He sends will have the skill sets that you need so that the
refuge can thrive. Angels will be sent to surround, protect you and help even
in the smallest and most minute of details.

“Your resources will be
supernaturally sustained by My Son when food supplies, medicines, vitamins and
other personal needs run out at the stores. You will all be strengthened by
your work in tending to others, praying for them, caring for them and
ministering to them. Their needs will be great and the hurting will be so
starved to hear about the Lord’s love. They will flock to you to know more
about a loving, merciful and faithful God.

“The suffering will be
unsurpassed, but your witness of My Son to others will be glorious. These will
be unprecedented times and the souls will be ripe for My children to assist in
reaping the harvest. Prayer will be essential; I will be with you so that your
prayers will well up inside you and spring forth as Holy Spirit will be
speaking and working through all of you.

“We will not abandon you, We
will be with you during this time of natural disasters and judgment. The
spiritual fruit born out of these ashes will far exceed your earthly
comprehension. Your prayers and thanksgiving will avail you much and this will
keep you safe and secure, under Our wings of provision and protection.




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First published at 03:15 UTC on September 11th, 2021.

Still Small Voice

Mother Clare

 581 subscribers


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CategorySpirituality & FaithSensitivityNormal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over


a month ago


Clare......can you PLEASE explain what Jesus meant when He said......"Mary my Bride" ??


2 months ago

Mother Clare

Nibiru and the Cleansing of the Earth
September 10th, 2021

The Lord, steady our hearts, dear Heart Dwellers, as we investigate the future and what is coming. May He bless you with His peace and the ability to stay focused on Him.

Well, it has been a couple of weeks since I have heard from Him and it has been a little frustrating, so today, when I was crying and broke down like a little kid that could not find her mommy or daddy, He came to me very sweetly and began speaking. And I know that this absence has been an offering so that other souls may find Him. And a lot of you, if you are going through the same thing, that is what it is about, a time of conversion for other souls. It sometimes is necessary for the Lord to have those who will sacrifice their intimacy with Him to give to those who do not know Him and bringing them into the Kingdom. The Lord came to me so sweetly. He said,

“Can we Talk?”

Then I said, I am here, Lord.

He continued, “You have no idea of how taxing these past weeks have been. Some of it has been from your curiosity, some of it has been just trying to keep up. Sweet Clare, I will never abandon you. But I do appreciate the offerings you have made of yourself. There has never quite been a time such as this in the history of the world. Do not get tired of hearing that because it is true. From the dawn of civilization until now, never has there been a time so intense.

“I am coming to free the world of sin, once and for all. I have done this before, but not for once and for all. We are in the final countdown of the times of the end of sin. This will be a glorious planet to live on when I am done, and you will have a right to live here because you have fought the good fight.

“There are so many exhausting influences in the world now, not to mention the waves of energy that are deteriorating your overall health, not to mention the proximity of evil, as the bastion of Satanism approaches and all dark ones rejoice in what they believe is coming to them. Yes, I have told you before about Nibiru and that it is the habitation of demons, that is why it wreaks havoc.

“You see I have placed it far to the outside for it is a prison planet of sorts for the demonic realm, I could say it better, it is the universal capitol belonging to the dark ones who rebelled against Me taking one-third of the angels with them. They have had their millenniums to work their evil and I have proven the just ones oppressed by them throughout recorded and unrecorded time.

“This planet is bringing with it the ultimate darkness in preparation for the final battle when such as these will be confined and destroyed in the lake of fire. Yes, there have been multitudes of civilizations in which they played a role, a major role. In all truth, even as the Almighty, I have grown weary unto sorrow over the evil conceived by these. I am all together at the point where I only want the righteous ones to rule and reign bringing justice to the Earth, that all men might live the life I fashioned for them in Heaven.

“Oh, what beautiful things I have made for My Beloved ones. What creativity, charity, joy and glory I have designed for My Children. But with each civilization, Satan infiltrated and raised up the wicked, perverting men and women to act in blind greed and selfishness. You could not stand to bear one moment of sorrow from what I have seen mankind destroy with wicked intentions to desecrate the earth and cause eternal suffering.

“You long to have the time and freedom to sing and play, I long to have a world where one such as yourself has infinite access to all you desire to glorify Me and console My Children. All the things that you have lacked in your life Clare, including twisted behaviors in your nature that are not yet fully healed, all such conditions exist in all My Children and how I long to have a world where healing drops like ripe fruit from the trees. Where healing infuses the soul with one glance, one inhaling of the sweet nectar from this healing fruit of Heaven.

“Yes, and I shall have it, and you will partake of it and be fully healed, and healing others through the anointing you will have. No more weariness Clare, no more pain, no more limitation on the time you can spend rejoicing in life, no more closed doors, no more isolation. No, all My Children will intermingle and find healing joy in one another.

“But this is not quite the season. The house cleaning and major repairs must first be performed and that every vestige of corruption is finally purged. Sweet Clare now is not yet the season, what lies ahead is massive destruction and reconstruction of this world into a just and holy world that I shall reign over with My faithful ones. Freedom and providence will be as the air you breathe, for it will prevail over all other energies and be the fertile ground for endless expansion of love and expression bringing others into the Kingdom of Heaven.

“Yes, now we must clear the decks of all the impediments to this wonderful new world I will construct for you and my faithful ones who have suffered beyond imagining, because they refused to align themselves with the fallen ones. Yes, in the end there will be a new Heaven and a new Earth, for all vestiges of evil will be no more.

“But for now, My Bride, I want you to be brave and strong. You are My blessed ones, and all these things shall be yours because you obeyed. I say to you, do not fret over your weakness, it only adds to the splendor and glory that will one day shine forth from you. That you undertook to continue to serve Me in these weakened circumstances is part of the mystery of faith in operation. Indeed, you shall have the faith of Abraham and Mary, My Bride.

“So now I admonish you, do not be thrown down by the situations around you, even those things that affect your service to Me. Do not allow them to stop you Clare, for I am with you pumping My very own life’s blood into yours, that you might carry on and finish that which has been appointed to you. When He talks about me, He is also talking about everyone else who is connected to Him. Rest when you must. Do not be hampered by guilt, the forces you are operating in are dark and heavy, and not prone to encouragement. So just keep going, one step at a time, not looking back nor too far forward, for one day at a time. And even one hour at a time when necessary. I will send you consolations when you need them. And I am touched how very frail you are without sensing My presence. I have great pity for you, in your helplessness, which is that of an infant in the crib, it draws down My unconditional love…with no limits. So, don’t let the blasphemers lies settle in your heart and mind.

“I am wholly pleased with you, and I know you are doing your best with My grace to continue moving forward. I will hold you in My arms, forever My Bride, come get lost in My love, it is an ocean without beginning or end. Come, swim with Me”.

Then I got silly and said, I want to float with You Jesus…

Then He said, “Then floating it shall be”

That was the end of His message

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