Pod Cast 0116 01112021 10 Life in the 5th Dimension. See it Through the Father YHWH Eyes

3 years ago

0116 01112021 01
See it Through Father YHWH Eyes

Yes it’s terrible isn’t it, take a vaxx mandated by the govt, get a green pass mandated, vaxx your whole family, cant travel can’t do much and social scores etc are still to come with much more.
Intellectually this is all really bad, pathetic in its construct and planning, think about it a mandate telling you to, take a vaxx that’s not even tested as safe and there are still yet variants and new super viruses to come as well as natural catastrophes and wars. Pretty much a mess.
Why don’t you put your intellectual ego’s aside and look again, with humility, can’t you see that you are being forced to consider and prove to yourself the construct of a higher power and intelligence in your life working in and through all of this even through the dark deceptive voices talking so intelligently and sweetly on the TV.
From the perspective of the higher power this is a storm in a tea cup, it’s a demonic and alien group working and pleading for the opportunity to survive in an outpost that does not belong to them – where they fell to and were joined and interacted with others.
On the other hand, you have a group of people full of image and ego that were once the Father Gods children who were coerced by a fallen society and trickery into surrendering their source divinity and then put themselves into the hands of the enemy because they cut themselves off.
If you were God the Almighty, what would you do? Is it even something that you need to be concerned with as long as the planet survives and thrives? Remember God Almighty will not interfere unless invited to so. He will always move to protect his own, but who elected not to be his own anymore, it’s not complicated. You are closer to God Almighty than the enemy, you have a head start. Put the intellect aside and humble yourselves to the truth and things will change. Pray when on demonstration and the higher beings will have a lot of good energy to work with. Then consider the new construct – not theirs, then formulate it and make it happen, put in a caveat in that plan that God the Father can intervene and redirect it as required and that it will be managed on that basis. Do this, mean this and things will change along with yourselves, all it takes is a change of heart and become subservient to a higher being – not a lower one.
Think beyond the fix: If this doesn’t happen your existence will still be around a falling planet whether you are cleaned off now or later, but you won’t be going where the light bearers of Gods light or the faithful in religion will go. Consider what you are supporting and fighting for there is not going back to the old way. The new way has a few requirements, you change and subserviate yourselves to God and recommit to your home planet earth and have a life in the hereafter, or, you fight on and fail and become the slaves of a very evil group who see you as expendable vermin in their way occupying their planet and using up their resources that you no longer qualify to use, exposing yourselves to a very questionable life hereafter, as they will still be here later as well.
Just a thought granted to me by the angelic realm

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