Affirmations For Abundance [POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS] [I AM AFFIRMATIONS] [Sea Wave Sounds]

3 years ago

Affirmations for Abundance.
Life affirming positive affirmations to allow Abundance to flow through your life.
Affirm yourself as a channel for Abundance.

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Headphones are not required but they can aid in your concentration.

These affirmations also include Isochronic relaxation brain entrainment added to the Sea Wave sounds in order
to help you relax and absorb the information more effectively. In fact the sound track can be used alone
to help you relax.

NB. It is of course advised that you should NOT be using or in charge of any type of moving equipment
whilst listening and watching this video.
And also this video should never be used as a substitute for any medication.
Please always follow your medical practitioners advise.

NO subliminals are used as it's always best to say these affirmations out load or silently
within the mind in order to impress the importance on the subconscious.
The number of affirmations used is not important.
But what is important is the emotional energy we give in saying each of them.

The video can also be put on 'Loop' in order to play it several times sequentially.
In order to get the best from the video it is best to play it at least once a day.
There is no guarantee that your life will change unless you yourself decide that change is necessary.
We often find that even small changes take us down different paths in life.

Below are the affirmations used.

I Am now attracting Abundance in my life.
I Am Grateful for the Abundance in my Life.
Abundance flows through my Life Thank You.

I Have a positive attitude towards Abundance.
I Love what Abundance brings to my Life.
I Thank the Universe for Abundance that flows through me.

Abundance is drawn to me Everyday.
I expect Abundance and it Flows easily into my Life.
I Am the Secret to my Abundance.

You can simply relax and say or think these affirmations but you could also synchronize
your reading of the affirmations with your breathing.
Each affirmation shows for 10 seconds.
You can breathe deeply for a couple of seconds, then hold your breath for a couple of seconds.
Then say or thing the affirmation on the out breath.
This process will further aid in placing the affirmation into the subconscious.
You may also find that you have more energy after the video has finished.

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