11-1-21 Credible ISIS Threat in Northern Virginia, China using stolen U.S. tech And More

3 years ago

Credible ISIS Threat in Northern Virginia
ISIS TERROR THREAT: Security is being beefed up at malls and shopping centers across Northern Virginia over what authorities say is a “credible” threat of an ISIS attack - sometime in the next few days.

China using stolen U.S. tech to 'to build a military that can defeat ours,' says ex-CIA officer
"U.S. security officials estimate that the Chinese steal between $300 billion and $600 billion a year in U.S. intellectual property, research and development, information and technology," former CIA officer David Sauer said.

New NBC News poll says what we all knew: Joe Biden is a failure
It must have killed NBC’s Chuck Todd to share the latest poll information from NBC News. On Sunday’s Meet the Press, Todd shared how Biden’s approval rating is still low, but that Americans, including a majority of Democrats, have lost confidence in Biden’s ability to lead our nation.
Perhaps those mean tweets were not so bad after all.

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