#108 English podcast - Stop using the word LOOK in English part#1

3 years ago

#108 English podcast - Stop using the word LOOK in English
READ the TEXT here: https://SpeakEnglishpod.com

Hi, dear student! I'm Georgiana, founder of the Speak English Now podcast. My mission is to help you to speak English fluently. Speaking English is way easier when you use the right material and techniques.
I'm here to tell you to stop using the word "look" repeatedly. There are many more alternatives, and depending on the context, I will help you to choose the right one.

This lesson is intended to help you enrich your vocabulary and sound more like a native English speaker.

And with a mini-story, you will practice your English speaking.

But first, I would like to share with you a comment on Facebook from one of my students called Fernando Romero:

"Hello Georgiana, I'm fascinated by your method. I have improved my spoken English. Your podcasts are incredible... congratulations. Thank you!"

By the way, if you are new here, visit my website to get the transcript of today's episode. Go to: speakenglishpodcast.com

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Do you know the difference between "glare" and "glance"? What about the difference between "looking" and "seeing"?

For a native English speaker, these words are different, although I know this is complicated for an English learner.

Ok! Let's learn some new words that replace the word "look."
#1) To glare

If we glare at someone, we usually show them that we are angry because we often frown, and have a dark look on our faces.

People may glare at us when we do something they disagree with.


"Georgie glared at her dad every time he asked her to tidy up her room."
"She gave me such an icy glare I almost froze."

"Don't glare at me like that; you deserved to be scolded."

#2) To glance

However, when we glance, we take a quick look at something, but we don't concentrate on it for too long.

Usually, that happens when we don't want people to know we're seeing something or someone, so we "look" at it, in a natural way, but without making it self-evident.


"During a meeting, Jim glanced at the clock on the wall."

"We fell in love at first glance."

"He could tell at a glance something was wrong with her.

#3) To catch a glimpse

When we "catch a glimpse," we barely see something, we see it for a brief time, as it goes by quickly.


"Millions of people had gathered to catch a glimpse of her Royal Majesty.

"Did you catch a glimpse of that beautiful woman who just walked by?"

"We were hoping to catch a glimpse of the superstar."

#108 English podcast - Stop using the word LOOK in English
READ the TEXT here: https://SpeakEnglishpod.com

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