to be born again and to become new or Idiocracy

3 years ago

It is for you to know that upon the completed centralization of energies upon the holgraphic pathway of life each life has in its process a perfect peaceful center of being. It is you that holds peace and love in a comcomittant agreement to undertake creation. When creation is achieived and your being is given flight through the metamorphosis into that which cannot be thought you are found to be the prime source of creation as the new ness of life is experienced. the bliss of this arrangement cannot be fathomed as it is the mystical marriage of that which is and is not. It is the well spring of life wehre you are awakened and we are there with you in this universal birth of beign from the invisible. The birth of souls is beyond that which has been conceived of for you have been held in the concept sof the reincarnational or future persepcitives of this life continuing to exist in responsive karmic patterns. Imagine the new life being born and knowing that new life is the keypoint of existence. It is the new that draws love, thenew experiences and it is in fear you hold back and hope for comfort and safety whereby you place limitations upon the future rather than being in agreement with the growth and expasion of love.

The energy of the new is where your life is founded and you are brought into agreement with the world to be a new creator. To be a creator it is to bring that which has never been into the world. the simple statemnt is less found for the old ways of keeping that which is existing has held humanity in this hold of delusion and wish. To keep the old ways , to fear, or hold back fro mthe adventure and the journey. It is from this perspective that humanity has been given relief for the future is fundamental new. It is the nature and expression of the new, the original the creative that life happens. Life does not happen within the old, for there is nothing to sppport the vision for all is seen with eyes of a child and why it is said that you are to be born again and to become new.

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