It will become apparent

3 years ago

Rysa 12/14/09

in the event that you are skeptical of the changes they have happened on multiple time lines and in this process of convergence and compression your lives are connecting to engage acceleration. We are here in your mind and believing this your life is interconnected within the holographic universal expression of life. All that is connects mind to mind and heart to heart. The belief level of your experience is now releasing truth to coalesce community into intuitive integration.

The disclosures of multidimensional extra-terrestial, inter-dimensional intelligences are bringing forth first technological innovate inspirations which are out of time process. The world is the awakening of energy world to the vision of thought as a creative evolutionary process. Through the windows of the soul, the doorway which is the intelligence evolutionary DNA stream. WE engage you in the process of creation where there is a unifying strengthening of the field. The field of vision is the 360 bioholographic viewpoint of the eye of the heart. The vessel of being is water congealed through the earth ever fiber and color means reality - Rings are internal dialogues - It is time to activate genius. All of life is transformable. - Orange is I can't and confusions are the bitterness of life. Waveyness of fibers are frenectic the hazel green - Compare - light gets lighter or darker - compare one eye to itself. see some of the blue - green in color but blue - Genetic patterns from mom and - misshpen puil shows early trama. There is a huge difference between who we are - pupil differences. We have manifestation when they are connected. When the eye is single the body is filled with light. The job is to see perfection. - don't get you to change anything. There job is to see perfection. That is the job. The skin is shutting down feeling - greatest weakenss is our greatest strenght... the outer part of the iris is the skin and the biers strt reaching out again. There is a chart to see what is going on. Every fiber is translatable... the White is Hyper the Dark is hypo. The Eye is a map to the physical body - the Window of the Soul. - Bernard Jensen - grandfather of iridology -

They - thought word and feeling - holographic reference beams - invisibility becoming visible - - the word has become flesh - the map is found in the eyes. We know everything about each other - The Eye has fibrals and blood vesseles in the sclera - that is information 0 when the tiny red spot its a person - when it is a blue its old i don't want to be here on that thought - when it is a loop it is a belief systems taking on from others - four levels acute, subacute, chronic degenerative - seven levels - unconsciousness apathy grief , fear anger pain enthusiasm - thicker we can handle energy - looser unable to take care of energy - See what is hidden - emotion into motion - octaves of scale - unconscious -i don't know apathy is i can't - Grief - I awalys felt this way fear is what if - pain - it hurts - then love the pain and move into enthusiasm - victorious life - become self guided beings of light - the Iris and the sclera is a map of our consciousness -

From what is wrong to what is returning - the denser the fibers - the more broad band... wavey shows hyper - a blood vessel - trememdous compulsion when there is bright white. - stress they have exernalized - in the blood vessels in the sclera =-
Orange is confusion - darker shows suppression - Skin to Lymph to muscles - bones - organs - i think - Straighter the fiber is more DIRECT - - right around the pupil - the receving ... shows sugar and receptivity - I choose to receive with ease. sclera going over the iris - leel of codependence... when we resist out world it comes on top of us and may show cold in the extremeties. White is pain compulsion .. its thoughts words and feelings. every iris is different - all completely readable. The belief that I am being controlled by others is when teh sclera goes over toip --- move to pure speech 0- I am that I am ..

Feeling world large and small intestines. - I love what I feel - i give permission to feel - change inner world and out world changes - shape of pupil shows how we are receiving and early trauma in life. support issues in the sclera right eye - burdens to shoulder. - have we believed in stress - choose to make it easy - meaning this stuff - our new choice - and the body will respond. - Swollen pupil about receiving. Ring in the third quarter is I can'ts ... lympth and skin .. I love what I feel. stress is to make stronger - I can - choose to make it easy - i receive with ease - love is always the first step -

Sport Aspiration technique - proraming - repetition, visualization, relaxation and clarity of your goals - over and over again until they are accepted by the subconscious mind as fact.
Rapid learning process - mental potential - using thinking capacity - activate the neocortex - the thinking part of the brain - whole brain accelerated super learning - not much more than 1 to 2% of the brain - intelligence - is not IQ it is the way of acting - developing intelligence through effort just like muscles - person has developed intelligence - IQ - ability is mallable over a large range - farr smarter than you know - longeveity and learning more active your mind the longer you live - watching TV - senior citizens weatch 7 hours a day of TV and become passive - the more active mentally you are the more you are aware and longer you live... more energy - Lives of creative people - live forever - active intelligent learner -

14 waves or above - beta - intense - frantic - learn the least efficiently
Alpah 8 - 14 waves cycles per second - we can learn in this state -
Theta - 5 to 7 waves per second - drop into dreaming - halucinatory - just before sleep - best learning
Delta - .05 to 4 waves per sec - 0 - waves per sec - is death
Using Music and relaxation - started off with language - using french - inefficient forms of learning - university degrees - forget 80 per cent is lost in the first 30 days - almost all the info we take in this way is lost - the learning was done at 98% - no stress no fatigue - 500 words in french - 98% accurate 0- 1000 words - 6 months later - they tested at 69% without review - after one review they wer eback up to 98% - up to 3,000 words - with 98%
capacity of the brain is infinite - most people use 2000 words to be functional literate in any language - some are down to 500 = average about 1200 - Can learn one language per day - change the way we learn - 60 beats baroque - get into synch with music
KEYS to speeding up learning - define what you want to learn - must hold your attention - important to you DEFINE IT - PURPOSE of your learning must have a goal
#2 - intense desire to learn
#3 - study with classical or ancient music

Zero point
Earth Form duality
Humanity Love Action
Sun Intuition
ET Collectives
Galactic Consciousness
Angelic Divinity
Universal Prime Source

Pleiadian Heart Light ~

It is our kindest wish to your spirit to live in harmony with higher purpose. Your compassionate dream of being concerns the vulnerable human hearts of those nearest your center. They are magnetically charged and in this time sequence are found as partners on the pathway. There are points within the time stream where friction is the necessary result when change is the fundamental law of being.

From the center celestial radiance a renaissance stream of evolution, band of light is sent into your deepest cellular memory and DNA. It is now the time to accept magnificent, wondrous alteration, acceleration and advancement to feel again life in its most beauty. There is resistance to this force in the form of fear and because of this there is friction. It is not the friction of karma where internal life choices have been against the greater flow of your collective soul but the friction of the world soul in reaction to the pull of the cosmos into celestial evolution. Once you begin to understand the reality of the higher light which is infusing your worlds with greater life energy then the expansion of time will be understood. Our words are within you and this central radiant stream points to the higher will and not the will you have entered into life within this time cell of the present now. The present now is expanding and for your consciousness to expand with it there is a change to a consciousness of being in agreement with a higher order of love and light.

In gazing into the night sky there are many celestial orbs, stars, beings, and the infinite realm of space stretching out before your centered consciousness located in a body, on the planet earth, rotating around the Sun, Sol and following the path of the Milky Way in the Orion Spiral Arm of the Galaxy. The Milky Way is a Galaxy of 300 billion stars and measures 100,000 light years across. From there the Galaxy exist near Andromeda, a galaxy with over a trillion stars and 25 more galaxies with the our local group within the Virgo Cluster. All together there are trillions of stars within this Cluster and over 2,000 galaxies. The stars within them all travel in elliptic orbits and spiral towards a universal center. The magnitude of life returns to a center as with all things there is a path that is concentric.

Our path to your heart is no less concentric as WE understand the dilemma of time and experience. It is for you now to be a singularity where your heart is focused upon the present time stream and its affect upon your creation. You are a creator and have done so magnificiently. The world you are part of is creation. It does not exist outside of your mind and the greater divine mind. Once you begin to acknolwedge that you are a fundamnetal piece of creation then the world follows the laws of your natural inclinations.

The path of moral certitude which humanity has sought to frame as constants is where the deviation from truth begins. The method of life is in accord with each individual and is not based upon the standard placed by the divine or society as a part. The divine has provided a fee landcape for creation and in which there are deeper soul impulses for experience that have suraced and so it becomes a part of this world transformation. The agreement or disagreement with the path humanity is venturing on is based upon the acknowlegement of the nature of experience. Through which each person finds satisfaction of desire and non-attachment there becomes the need for variation for evolution to bring forth perfection. Once considered that perfection was a clear and regimented constant the face then of perfection becomes crystalized and decays throught the end result being lesser than the future possibilities. Thus when ever perfection is completed the end result must be lesser than the ultimate for the ultimate is not a static truth. The focus of this dissertation is to enable yu to see that your life is perfect although you are in disagreement with this because you see that you are evolving and for your consciousness to accept perfection you have created a prejudiced thought that it must be a completion.

Once you release the notion of completions and begin to realize that once a system reaches completion it moves into disintergration the wholistic interpretations of what life is will become more obvious. That all life is the evolving and involuting of beingin a breathing and expressing of energy through the unified field in shared relationship. The demostration of the movement of the galaxies was not an attempt to create a cosmological conundrum whereby leave your life in a miniscule proportion in comparison. It was the effective alliance with tehgreater macrocosm to begin teh process of alignment with the magesty and magic of being. Fromperspectives looking within the same universe is seen as the trillions of cells are again divided into trillions more of atoms and subatomic particles ll interweaving in freedom, intelligence and relationship.

It is Civilizations, Societies, Cultures, Tribes, Families, Relationships between personalities, spirits and deeper souls where the sovereignty of individual freedom becomes polarized into emotion and thought form creation upon earth and other physical sentience. Especially in the human vehicle of bone, blood, flesh and air there is the recognition of time as the ultimate factor in being. There is a birth time where the first gasp of air is taken and the first touch of flesh is felt and the pumping of blood is nurtured by the milk and food of earth and where the stone and soil of earth holds the structure is strength and stability. It is where the mother and father give to the child the essence of being through the evolving genetics of DNA. It is where the emotional bodies are intertwined in shared purpose to find happiness and love. It is where the mind receives the light of the soul and shines forth through the spirit and reflects into the personality the individual spark of creation that is new life. From this new lif77e you gather experience in time and develop awareness and consciousness of self and relationship. In relationship there is the seeking for the mirror and combination that engages more creation of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual manifestations. In all of this you are the steward of life and the receiver of divine impulse so you may shine and rise into power. From power you are energy to radiate divinely without attachment so that there is the surrender to purpose and a returning into oneness.

It is within relationship where humanity is born again to find soul.

The Sun and Earth orbit around the Galactic Center at a distance of 26,000 light years. The orbital speed is 486,000 mph or 780,000 kms. One orbital revolution is 226,000,000 years. Our earth rotates at 1,100mph and orbits the sun at 67,000mph

~ the divergence into astrophysics was to teach about relationships for this is the primary concern of all life is to know proper placement within the greater expression. There are stars deep in space without close relation to other systems as this solar system is in a sparsely populated region of space. It is remarkable that the feeling of those who live on the planet in physical bodies deem to believe that they are without counterparts or family is contrary to the plan of existence. Within each presence there is relationship and the connections of one to one to one.

I ask that I be given knowledge of the path through space and time and to know of things which have hitherto been silent.

~ It will become apparent

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