What is Bruce Springsteen's relationship with Barack Obama?

2 years ago

What is Bruce Springsteen's relationship with Barack Obama?
FORMER President Barack Obama has found an unlikely friend in one of America's most well-known rock stars: Bruce Springsteen.
The two share a podcast together, Renegades, and now have a book on the way, under the same title.
When did Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen meet?
During Barack Obama' s campaign trail in 2008, the former president became acquainted with musician Bruce Springsteen.
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In a joint essay published on The Guardian, the rock n' roll legend talks about how he became a friend to the famed politician.
"The president and I had spent some time together since we met on the campaign trail in 08.
That time included some long, telling conversations," he said.
"These were the kind of talks where you speak from the heart and walk away with a real understanding of the way your friend thinks and feels.

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