Monkey and tiger

3 years ago

The tiger is the biggest cat in the wild (the biggest cat in the world is the captive-bred lion/tiger hybrid, the liger), and as such, its at the very top rung of the food chain wherever it is native. Few animals dare to challenge them, and even when they do, the tiger often wins.

Yet, while heavy-built, tigers lack stamina, and they can only pursue their prey in short bursts. This is why they are covered in stripes: they are perfectly camouflaged in the tall grass and forests, so they can ambush their prey when it comes within “striking range”.
In the National Geographic video below, you will see a tiger’s hunting methods in play. Patiently waiting in the tall grass, the tiger stalks a troop of monkeys. The monkeys are completely unaware of the tiger’s presence. Then, when the monkeys are in close range, the tiger rushes out the tall grass and pounces on one of the monkeys, delivering a fatal bite to its neck.
Generally, tigers hunt at night, but this is one of the few cases where tigers hunt in broad daylight. This might be because this particular tiger is a mother and has two cubs to feed.

Mothers will go into beast-mode to defend their young. Take the video below, for example…

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