2 years ago

Just wanted to share this because it inspired me. I am not familiar with Hungarian politicians or Victor's integrity or sincerity but this speech sounds amazing and full of hope and even if there are people hating on him you gotta question their integrity as well. The line in the sand is being advanced upon rapidly. Everyone will soon be forced to make a decision and all I can say is to remember that there are worse things in life than death. The only thing to fear is fear itself. The world they have in store for us is worse than death if u haven't figured that out yet and I want to stress that health is paramount right now in all aspects.So I am about to share with u some helpful info that you might want to consider strongly. I hope this helps some of you that haven't taken notice to these facts yet and it may not be to late. We are being poisoned from every direction and consequently EVERYBODY is walking around with nano inside us. Take that as you will but one sign of this is a random twitch or jerk from various joints in your body when you are relaxing or trying to sleep. This is why I promote a heavy metal detox and this should be common sense by now because I don't know if it can all be removed but this detox will at least slow down the accumulation of this if we are to survive this attack. I have found a powerful supplement that works to not only detox the heavy metal nanoparticles but also the radiation toxicity. And I will share my personal trusted source that I personally use and has worked to remove the magnetism I acquired even though I haven't been jabbed nor will I take the pcr fake test. Check your head neck and chest with a magnet whether you had the jab or not. Anyways, here is where you can learn more about zeolites and where you can find quality products because there are generic and synthetic sources out there that may already be contaminated with heavy metal toxins or they pulverized the zeolites destroying their cage-like structure that makes it useless. ⁣

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