Beautiful Lemur

3 years ago

lemur, (suborder Strepsirrhini), generally, any ancient galaxy other than the tarsier; in particular, any native Madagascar chimpanzees. In a broad sense, the word lemur applies not only to the common lemurs (family of Lemuridae) but also to the avahis, tufakas, indri, and aye-aye-Madagascar and colugos of Southeast Asia and the Philippines, in addition to lorises. , potto children, and cheeks of Southeast Asia and Africa. Slowly defined, it does not include the last three (Lorisiformes) .Many lemurs of Madagascar and the nearby Comoros Islands have large eyes, fox-like faces, monkey-like bodies, and long hind limbs. Lemurs vary in length (without tail) from about 9 cm (3.5 inches) in Madame Berthe's mouse lemur (Microcebus berthae) to about 70 cm (28 inches) in indri (Indri indri). The tails of forest lemurs can be longer than their bodies; indri, however, has only a tail lump. Apart from aye-aye, lemurs have red, gray, brown, or black fur; some species have a different pattern in white. Among other markings, they may have eye rings or crowns.

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