Prophecy Unfolding in Israel (Bible Prophecy Update Pt. 2) - Signs of Jesus' coming!

3 years ago

This Zoom recording will update you on the current events taking place in Israel that show we are quickly nearing the Lord's return.

The topics covered in this video, "Prophecy Unfolding in Israel" (Bible Prophecy Part 2), are as follows:

-MidEast/Gaza Conflict/ Hamas/Rockets
-Antisemitism & the UN
-Russia, Iran & Turkey (Gog/Magog War - Ez. 38/39)
-Destruction of Damascus (Isaiah 17)
-Change of Leadership in Israel
-The Rapture - Jesus is Coming for His Bride!

If you would like to watch "Part 1" which explains the foundation of Bible prophecy and where we are on God's timeline, watch "Israel: God's Time Clock," at this link:

Part 1 covers the following topics:

1) Daniel's 70th Week (the prophetic timeline for Israel that is on pause & will restart soon with the Tribulation)

2) The Church Age (the gap between Jesus' time on Earth & His return/ the time when the Gospel spreads & a giant body of Believers forms in the world - where we are now!)

3) Israel's Restoration & Return (the important fig tree sign that Jesus gave in Matthew 24 that shows that we are the terminal generation with Israel becoming a nation again in 1948 & regaining their capital in 1967)

4) Tribulation & Antichrist - (time of God's wrath coming for the world with the global leader, the Antichrist, in Charge/ Revived Roman Empire & the Signing of the Covenant that begins the 7-year Tribulation)

5) The Temple Mount in Jerusalem (the epicenter of Bible prophecy)

6) Preparations for the Third Temple - A sure sign of Jesus' soon return!


Do you want to know more about the current events that show us that we are nearing the coming of the Lord? Two more videos will be uploaded very soon:

Part 3 - "Globalism Rising"

-Nebuchadnezzar & The World Empires
-Global Authority/America
-The World Economic Forum/ Global Leaders
-The Great Reset
-The Bilderberg Group, Etc.
-Cyber Polygon
-One World Religion/ Pope Francis
-Climate Confusion]
-Prophetic Timeline

Part 4 - "Endtime Technology"

-Our Blessed Hope!
-Antichrist/LED Giant
-Mark of the Beast
-Digital Currency/Cashless System
-Global ID's
-Verification Passes
-Universal Basic Income (UBI)
-The First Domino
-Digital Tattoos
-Other Signs & Convergence
-Our Response

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