Dr Vernon Coleman - Masks are Destroying the Development of Babies

2 years ago

Oct 27, 2021

Source: www.vernoncoleman.org/videos/masks-are-destroying-development-babies

Right from the start of the massive covid fraud it was patently clear that masks were unnecessary and were, indeed, certain to do far more harm than good.

Indeed, back in the spring of 2020, government advisors around the world all agreed that masks weren’t necessary and were, indeed, nothing more than virtue signalling. And then, without good reason, they suddenly changed their minds.

Back in July 2020, I made a video entitled Mask Wearers are Collaborators who could destroy us all. I put it on something called YouTube who removed it after 127,000 people had watched it.

I have made a number of other videos about masks and I’m delighted to say that my book Proof that Face Masks do more harm than good, which is available free on both my websites, has been downloaded by tens of thousands of people. I did try to produce a paperback but the book was banned and withdrawn by one publisher after another. Gosh, what a surprise.

Up until recently, I was mostly concerned with the effect of masks on physical health. There is no doubt that masks increase the risk of pneumonia, and patients who have had cancer are more likely to develop metastases if they wear a mask regularly. The hypoxia induced by wearing a mask makes cancer more likely. Naturally, several thousand fact checker organisations throughout the world – 97% of them probably receiving funds from drug companies, governments and the Bill and Melinda Gates purse – all agree that masks will protect you from flu, bankruptcy, impotence, ear wax and unsightly hair. But fact checkers are, of course, invariably lying through their gold plated teeth and can merrily be ignored by those of us genuinely concerned with facts and checking them. But it is not just adult health which is adversely affected by masks. There is now clear evidence that lockdowns, masks and other absurd regulations have resulted in babies and infants having significantly reduced verbal, motor and over all cognitive performance compared to children born before the fraud. Unborn children are susceptible to genetic and environmental factors which can lead to life-long changes in brain development.

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