World's largest otters dive for big fish in the Amazon

3 years ago

Giant otters, or giant river otters are the largest species of otter in the world. They grow to a length of 1.8m (almost 6 feet). They are powerful swimmers and capable hunters, able to easily outswim and catch even large fish. Their formidable jaws can hold or crush prey, allowing them to feed on fish that weigh several kilograms. They are even capable of feeding on piranha and caiman, a species in the crocodile family.

Giant river otters are social animals, often living in groups of up to 20 individuals. With large heads and jaws full of large teeth, the giant river otter resembles a large dog when it opens its mouth.

These guests at Sacha Lodge arrived with the hope of seeing the wildlife in a very remote lake just off the Napo river. Their guides, Pablo and Dorian understood their desire to have a close look at the animals of the Amazon. They embarked on a canoe excursion through the waterways and they were treated to a very close look at two otters hunting. The otters swam past the canoe, casting a curious glance at the quiet guests before they began diving for food. They both surfaced with fish in their jaws that were more than half a meter in length (approximately 2 feet). The otters made their way to the shore to devour their meals before repeating this behaviour. The otters could be heard exhaling loudly as they surfaced each time. The lake that these otters are diving in is a dark one, stained by sediment and other materials that seep into the water as it flows through the rich soil of the Amazon basin.

Giant otters are endangered, largely due to encroachment on habitat and depletion of their food supply. Being able to sit in a canoe and watch these animals in their natural environment was a priceless experience for these thrilled adventurers.

These extremely knowledgeable guides can be found on Facebook (Tour Guide Ec - Buko) @bukoguide

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