Israel: God's Time Clock (Bible Prophecy Update Pt. 1) - Jesus is coming soon!

3 years ago

This Zoom recording will teach you the basics of Bible prophecy! It's a summary of the foundational prophecy given in Daniel to the nation of Israel that shows where we currently are on God's timeline!

"Israel: God's Time Clock" covers:

1) Daniel's 70th Week (the prophetic timeline for Israel that is on pause & will restart soon with the Tribulation)

2) The Church Age (the gap between Jesus' time on Earth & His return/ the time when the Gospel spreads & a giant body of Believers forms in the world - where we are now!)

3) Israel's Restoration & Return (the important fig tree sign that Jesus gave in Matthew 24 that shows that we are the terminal generation with Israel becoming a nation again in 1948 & regaining their capital in 1967)

4) Tribulation & Antichrist - (time of God's wrath coming for the world with the global leader, the Antichrist, in Charge/ Revived Roman Empire

Part 2 explains the current events happening in Israel that show that we are nearing the coming of the Lord? It can be found at this link:

Want to know more? Part 3 and Part 4 will be uploaded SOON and cover the following topics:

Part 3 - "Globalism Rising"

-Nebuchadnezzar & The World Empires
-Global Authority/America
-The World Economic Forum/ Global Leaders
-The Great Reset
-The Bilderberg Group, Etc.
-Cyber Polygon
-One World Religion/ Pope Francis
-Climate Confusion]
-Prophetic Timeline

Part 4 - "Endtime Technology"

-Our Blessed Hope!
-Antichrist/LED Giant
-Mark of the Beast
-Digital Currency/Cashless System
-Global ID's
-Verification Passes
-Universal Basic Income (UBI)
-The First Domino
-Digital Tattoos
-Other Signs & Convergence
-Our Response

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