Boris Russian Bear is basically Dark Souls.

3 years ago

Russian VideoGames don't get near the recognition and respect they deserve. They're pioneers in the gaming field, really.

Look at Atomic Heart. It's not even out yet and it may honestly be one of the biggest headfucks of a videogame I've ever laid eyes on. It's nightmare fuel of monstrocities, machine fuckery, alcohol drenched cold war era grunge wrapped up in retro-tech that should never have seen the light of day even in a videogame. It's fascinating and I love it and it doesnt even fully exist yet.

But since it doesn't exist, we'll have to take the next best (and lets be honest, only) game on offer from Russian: Boris Russian Bear.

This game is clearly flawless, an immaculately crafted game that displays all the cutting edge tech and finely, some might say obsessively designed gameplay. The art direction, the music and soundscape, the meticulously engineered gunplay. All are the top of their field.

But much like contemporary and direct inspiration for the game, legendary video game Dark Souls, much of the real meat of the game is found in its extensive lore.

Lets explore that lore and see just how deep Boris Russian Bears real-world themes dive, and how Boris Russian Bear truly is the Dark Souls of Russian games.

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