October 30, 2021

3 years ago

Use this spell:
No one has permission to injure me or my family.
No one has permission to hurt me or to poison me!
If you do, you are violating the free will laws of the universe!

You do not have my free will.
Bad sent my way, I return it to sender with love because you can have it.
I don’t want it, I reject.
I give it back to you and it's yours!

Original channel .

It has Luciferase in it, and Lucifer is another name for Satan. The number of the Mark is 666. The last numbers of the shot’s patent ends in 060606.
The 060606 is the Microsoft patent for cryptocurrency in conjunction with the jab.
It’s getting to be required to buy or sell soon. It’s worldwide.
Once injected, it changes your DNA at a cellular level.

They are beyond supercomputers. These are called quantum computers and they are like standing next to Source compared to a supercomputer.

Also not just people getting the shots have this graphene oxide. This stuff is in our food, in our air, medicine, in the lab made virus and the PCR test. They are in all vaccines.

This is magnetic but it doesn’t have to be even metal. This is caused by the trapped liquid oxygen between the 2 dimensions of the honeycomb shaped sigma bond. It is what graphene oxide is. The IMPLANT in VACCINATION is also in SMART dust falling from chemtrails and all GMO foods.

STFN Screwtube Channel 1: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs152rb_PU7LuxzwZ4SpbjA

STFN Screwtube Channel 2:

STFN RELOADED Fakebook Channel: https://www.facebook.com/STFNReloaded/

STFN Twister Channel: https://twitter.com/jonrohnson

STFN Bitchute (Previous): https://www.bitchute.com/channel/wLekfBs6fka9/

Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-360794

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