Scientific Paper Pulled Without Any Explaination (Biological Injectable Products)

3 years ago

For no apparent reason a previously approved paper pointing to a link between the covid "vaccine" & Myocarditis was mysteriously cancelled
because it isn’t acceptable to BigPharma.

This is prrof positive that the government and big pharma have been weaponized to hide the truth about the deadly covid "vaccine".

They will do anything to hide the truth from the American public including cancelling peer approved scientif papers that refute the safety of the covid "vaccine".

Don't allow yourself or your children to get the deadly jab.

Keep yourself informed about the covid "vaccine" and get several opinions from sources other than the government that is forcing people to get the experimental covid "vaccine". Go to: for the latest life saving information the biden regime and big pharma don't want you to know.

A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products

Read the complete report below that the biden regime and big pharma don't want you to see or know about.

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