Ascension I GALACTIC WAR CRY I Light Language Transmission & Call 2 Arms I Sovereign SOULdiers UNITE

3 years ago

You came here to Earth for this time.

You knew what was coming and you decided to count yourself in. You are strong and powerful and have soared the universe for millennia, stopping in from time to time to assist plants ascend, troubled planets much like Earth.

You have done this so many times. Maybe you remember? Maybe you have forgotten?

We are the ground crew, here to advocate and create the change on Earth and right now an Ancient War Cry is being sent out by our Galactic Sisters and Brothers from the Stars.

The War Cry will be heard by every Soul who chose this mission.

I was guided to channel a very specific Light Language Transmission for you and every other Soul on Earth. This Transmission shares a very specific message.

It's a Call to Arms, with LOVE being our ultimate weapon of choice.

Please share it with your Soul Family and let's create a colossal tsunami of wave LOVE and send it through the fabric of our planet and the entire Universe.


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Star Magic offers the most comprehensive training in hands on healing and distance healing, for beginners and advance practitioners and healers. Energy healing is an ability that everyone has. Each one of us simply needs to be shown how to tap this inner potential. once you have trained in Star Magic you can go out into the world and start an energy healing business or use the skills and tools you learn/remember to elevate your existing healing business.

If you haven't tuned into the Full Energy Healing Secrets Series. Go here:

The quantum field is an energetic architecture that can be changed in any way shape or form, using codes and frequencies. Healing should be fast. It shouldn't take time and when you know how to play with the cosmic fabric, all thing are possible. Energy healing should be easy. It should also be fun. If you want to be able to facilitate the energy healing sessions of others, the listen to and watch the full Energy Healing Secrets Video Series. Preparation is the most important part of the energy healing puzzle. The higher your vibration, the clearer you are and the more light that is available in your physical body and your light body, the more of a power house you will become. The frequency of the heart is mission critical to all energy healing sessions. This energy healing protocol is very much needed for effective distance healing. Distance healing is no harder or easier than hands on healing and using a hologram makes it even easier. Discover and use these energy healing secrets and become a powerful energy healer. if you want to be a powerful energy healer then you must practise. You must prepare your light body and you must practice daily.

These videos give everyone a basic foundation into Star Magic Facilitator Level 1 Training Experiences and whats in store. These videos are by no means a replacement for what takes place on our training. For more info on Star Magic Training visit:

First Energy Healing Secrets video is here:

I highly recommend you go back and watch it and go through the entire series.

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