dearest "doctors" plz stop "helping" us (ag standup)

3 years ago

joey is so sweet
at least face the audience, that's so like me
i can't not be awkward
damn that yam
karaoke is going on right now
statements and commands
i really wish people would ask for my advice
...but will the world ever listen
stoned temple pilots
i confront todd about karaoke
i offer to buy everyone alcohol
a lotta people too dumb to commit suicide
one of the cool things about drugs
internalizing to my personal detriment but your comic enjoyment
hwjpcpppcas...electricity is a social construct
i say hello to joey's phone
my ego (sob) keeps reincarnating
tv is way cheaper than divorce
real success is gratitude
you're not grateful enough otherwise you'd know what i'm sayin
my past of a past of a past
guess what amy, baby i died on a cross
a little dance that says HEAVEN!
thank God marco left (he was pretty drunk)
kris reeves waves

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