Donald Trump and the Border Crisis

2 years ago

BREAKING:Trump to Send Troops to Border:Caravan an attack on the national sovereignty of the U.S.A

InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report
Published on Oct 22, 2018
BREAKING:President Donald Trump to send US troops to border.
Central American & ISIS caravan an attack on the national sovereignty of the U.S.A. The Democrats have endangered the safety & security of all Americans by refusing to work with the Republicans and our President to repeal and pass COMPREHENSIVE immigration reform.

The Dems are the party of crime - allowing catch and release of MS 13 gang members & foreign/Islamic terrorists, DRUG RUNNERS/HUMAN TRAFFICKERS, - they promote George Soros open society, open borders - anchor babies, chain migration - they want to abolish ICE - blocking the building of the Great Southern Border wall etc.- the Democrats must be defeated in the House of Representatives these Midterm elections.

In the meantime a growing caravan south of the border has just jumped/navigated the river into Mexico- a veritable illegal alien horde of 15,000 - 20,000 and growing. If they are able to illegally breach our Southern Border = more and more waves of migrants will come from all over the world. Meanwhile, the Democrats have been nothing but obstructionists aiding an abetting foreign terrorists and illegal migration. The President will be declaring a national state of Emergency and will be sending US troops to the border very soon as the Caravan of "refugees" gets larger and closer to the Southern borders of Arizona, Texas and California .

Please get out and vote and bring a family member or a friend so that this President may have friends in Congress who will help him build the wall, deport dangerous illegal aliens, stop the fraud against our US Treasury and stealing of our true citizen's social benefits etc. This Caravan is well coordinated and funded by Open Society groups such as funded by globalist tyrants like George Soros and this must be confronted. Our borders this great President will defend and fully secure our borders and end Sanctuary cities.

God bless all of you for voting in these historic Midterm elections amd for standing with our President for America.

God bless you all for standing with us and getting the word of freedom out to AMerica nad to the whole world.
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Trump's Wall Speech Stuns Dems- EMERGENCY PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS & the 1976 Emergency Powers Act

InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report
Published on Jan 8, 2019

EMERGENCY PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS:Trump's Wall Speech Stuns Dems- 1976 Emergency Powers Act.
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The hard hitting stunning speech reveals the evil motives of Democrats and their leaders - their treason and reckless politicizing of the safety and security of the American people.
These Democrat leaders are traitors and put innocent, peace loving Americans lives at risk. InspoNews calls for them to be legally and politically taken to task - many should be arrested or deported from this great nation.

The Patriots are weary of all this lawlessness- open borders, crime, drug abuse, murder, rape, child sex trafficking, kidnappings, beatings, thefts, robberies, opioid addictions and drug overdose deaths etc. that plague their beloved communities and for all too many - has destroyed even members of their own families.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer's response was manipulative dangerous and political gamesmanship- 2 weak leaders who refuse to do what's necessary to protect Americans and defend the sovereignty of the United States of America. How many thousands more must die before they realise this is a national emergency. 20,000 kids on the border need humanitarian help as well...

The President is RESOLUTE for our safety and security. He has firm resolve to fight and do what it takes to win the centerpiece of our border security strategy- a high tech and impenetrable southern border wall.

God bless this great President for his courage to stand for what is right for all Americans.

God bless our noble troops and Military Police! God bless America. And God bless the 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump ...

May 2019 be your best year ever!

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