Susan Pavan, C.E.C.P

3 years ago

Founder of ORRE Energetic, holds a Masters Degree in Journalism, and is a certified Energy Practitioner, Reiki master, and life coach. In working as a health and well-being writer for Australia National Publications, she found a way to blend her two strong interests.
Susan learned early on that journalism is reporting that which someone wishes to hide, and the rest is merely public relations. That lesson came home to roost in a personal way, after a barrage of pregnancy losses left her with PTSD and enormous internal pain. Utilizing her investigative skills to turn inward, she asked the right questions, then face that hidden pain. This afforded her a method of transformation through energy healing. From there, she developed holistic rituals to decode and release her own trauma. Excited by this transformative results she attained, she was determined to develop a program to help others who likewise knew a sense of isolated internal pain. Through the years, she has practiced her combination of energy healing on women, men, children, babies, and pets, and has been gratified to see transformations in each of their lives. In consideration of our political climate, and the upheaval both nationally and internationally, it is our hope that Susan can offer not only a glimpse into Australia today, bringing truth to our shores, but that she can suggest methods for us to proactively assist with our own current energetic traumas

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