FODA Explained Fear of Dating After &or Fear of Dating Again After Narcissistic Abuse

3 years ago

FODA EXPLAINED [FEAR OF DATING AFTER &/OR FEAR OF DATING AGAIN] AFTER NARCISSISTIC ABUSE // In this video I explain how to know if you suffer from FODA – the Fear of Dating Again or the Fear of Dating After (an abusive relationship). Are you or have you been thinking about “getting back out there” but realize you’re terrified to date and scared of dating? Want to but you’re scared to get back in the dating game and ready to get over the fear of getting hurt again? Are you just panicked and filled with anxiety over the thought of being scared of being hurt again? Scared to date again? What about if you had a horribly abusive relationship? What’s it like to date after abuse or dating after a narcissist? Dating after narcissistic abuse is a different kind of dating. Especially because you never want to go through that ever again, yet you also fear being alone forever. Ready to get over your fear of dating and date judgement free once and for all? Let’s talk!

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