3 years ago

Depends, it seems, on which jab you take...which technology you're injected with. They wanted proof each worked at forming the Bio-circuit before they allowed you to "mix and match".... The FDA has now approved mixing the different formulas. All have one purpose. And it is not to provide immunity. They destroy your immune system. Completely. The jab is to bring you into the "hive". And they will do that using terminals/towers. They don't require 5G, though those Towers will be convenient. This nanotechnology responds to cell phone frequency... I read 2.4GHz(?)from memory. It may be less. Graphene oxide is toxic to humans...damaging to organs. TOXIC. They've known this since before 2018...but there are multiple studies that prove it. Now they're going to mix the nanotechnologies. As if enough people haven't been damaged or died, already. I read this one patent. They are injecting "a plurality of electronic devices...comprising instructions to generate an exchange information between electronic devices and terminals when in close proximity."

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