Dr. Lopez treated 2400 COVID patients with ivermectin. EVERY SINGLE ONE improved within 24 hours.

3 years ago

Notice how dr. Lopez gave all her patients informed consent and allowed shared decision making: "Do you want to try ivermectin?" This is how REAL doctors behave. They use ALL available evidence and expertise, do risk-benefit analyses, are open to ALL options, give patients adequate information for informed consent and do shared decision making where the patient is involved in making decisions for their own well-being.

It seems that most current doctors are mere protocol followers, who blindly and rigidly follow the protocols that in the end are designed by the pharmaceutical companies for the pharmaceutical companies' benefit.

The current 'health' policy can be likened to the Titanic sinking but the authorities prohibiting the use of the lifeboats, because there is "insufficient" scientific evidence (according to their absurd standards) that the lifeboats are both safe and effective in exactly these circumstances. The authorities apparently would rather that all occupants drown than allow them to make their own choice, which is guaranteed to be less risky and more beneficial.

The big exception to this rule is if there are lifeboats which are enormously profitable. In that case these are not only allowed but sometimes even mandated by the captured authorities and corrupt and brainwashed politicians, even though they are absolutely not necessary, safe or effective. The authorities, politicians and media are both cheer leaders for profitable pharmaceuticals and they are guard dogs that viciously attack unprofitable competing solutions.

INSIGHT: real world evidence should always trump 'scientific' evidence, which is often flawed and fraudulent.

INSIGHT: decisions should ALWAYS be made according to a risk-benefit analysis and personal preference, and NOT only on scientific 'evidence'.

INSIGHT: in a crisis you do the best with the information and tools that you have AT THIS MOMENT and do NOT wait for perfect information, because you do not have the luxury to wait.

INSIGHT: the Hippocratic Oath -- First do no harm (Primum non nocere) -- does NOT mean 'First do nothing'. Doing nothing is a form of doing harm if the patient needs to have something done.

Source: https://odysee.com/@FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance:c/FLCCC-WEBINAR-oct-27-2021:e

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