War Room, 35% of the American People want the election overturned

2 years ago

Elections have consequences and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. Look at what the Biden Administration is pushing on your young kids. Critical Race Theory is a poison for our kids and look at how Merrick Garland looks on prime time when asked tough questions. ‘Duh, Duh, Duh, Duh, Guuuh’, this would be very funny if not for the fact that these people run our country. Independents are not going to blame themselves, they are not going to admit to voting to Joe Biden. They’re going to say, “What do you mean, I didn’t vote for him”. Even Joy Reid admitted on her show, 16% of democrats 24% of independents, and 60% of Republicans want the election OVERTURNED. And now we’re heading toward a recession with Q3 reporting only 2% growth. Why is it so low? The only good news coming out of capitol hill is that progressives and moderates are fighting amongst each other, but in all seriousness we have to hope that we don’t approve this stimulus package of trillions of dollars. 7 trillion dollars worth of spending and they’re slapping it together. They really thought that suburban moms would’ve went along with this critical race theory that is poisoning their children. Even the liberal moms are starting to wake up and protest to this fact that they don’t want their children injected with an experimental vaccine or taught critical race theory poison. So what is the Biden’s administration policies? Pursuing contempt of court charges for Steven Bannon? I’ve got news for you, people don’t care about Steven Bannon, people care about Critical Race Theory, rising gas prices, and outrageous and radical policies that are tearing this country apart and now the Biden administration want to award $450,000 to immigrants who were separated from their children. What the hell is this? Is this really being considered behind closed doors? What the heck is going on with our government? Everyone embrace this, how many years of your effort would it take to make $450,000 and how long would it take to accumulate that much wealth. “US in talks to pay hundreds of millions to families separated at Border” according to the Washington Street Journal. Government is considering payments of $450,000 per person affected by Trump administration’s zero tolerance policy in 2018. What about normal people who go to work everyday and pay taxes, and this illegitimate government is printing all this money and this is what they’re going to spend it on. No matter what your political philosophy, if you’re not outraged by this then what are you going to be outraged by? This is what they think of your labor, your struggle, and your labor. $450,000 cash money to families separated at border. And look at what is happening today, we have runaway inflation, we’re not going to have enough food on the shelves, and the media oligarchs are responsible for not letting the American people not do due diligence on the last election. The iron law in statistics is if we have 2 million people come across the border, it is a fact that they will bring a certain percentage of murder, rape, burglaries, etc., if we can’t vet them. We are importing drugs, child abuse, rape, this is the most cruel thing that a government can impose on both its own citizens and illegal aliens. Who are these people in the Biden Regime who come up with this crazy ideas to bankrupt this country and drive this country into the ground. This is crazy stuff, these people are nuts!

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