Know thyself.

3 years ago

The power over others is the great lie. It is not correct and it truly something that can never be taken away. The way to return to power is easy. It is through forgiveness. Forgiveness allows you to receive your power back. There is no other way to receive your power back because it is always yours. You cannot take it back for there is no one who has taken it away. All that has been done is you have failed to be in your own power, so you must forgive yourself for not being responsible and in control and you do this through forgiveness. Then you may forgive those who have created the illusion of fear and produced anger and mediated conflict between families.

Now is the time to say in your own words; I have no need of my fear, my anger, my frustration, my weakness, my shame, my guilt, my envy, my disgust, my loss for these are the ways in which I have become vulnerable to be entangled, caught and trapped in the web of the Black Alliance. So now I am seeking the Truth and I am taking my power back through the forgiveness of myself and the environment I am creator of.

The Teachers of Light seek to enlighten you to absorb the Light and Love. It is my will that I take responsibility and in taking responsibility I gain my Full Power. My Power is mine and I am in complete alignment vertically with my soul with what the Teachers of Light have asked that the Wayshowers bring. I am now a Wayshower and I have the power of the Greater Light that is coming into our system. The mind is the key immaterial essence of all that is. The Mind is the source of time and space and all subsequent interactions between the manifold realities. The Game of the Gold Ring continues with the Alignment of the Universes. The powerful fundamental movements of stellar bodies has produced the unimaginable connection between the energetic pulse of the two galaxies moving in synchronicity to enable the uplift of this particular space and time.

All things being omni-centric there is the occasion to understand that if you wish to utilize this cosmic regrouping and ascension energetic it is required that your Heart Center be entrained to the center of the Galaxy. This is to produce the shift that is the result of the conjunction of the energies between the galaxy and the participants or beings that resides within it. The overall conception of time and space is eternal and there are the relationships between these concepts that are mental and decisive. Life is equal, power is equal, Light is equal and infinite. As a being of conscious awareness your life is Sovereign. The universal flow of energy urges you to allow this flow to be your own. It is your own. You are a great and powerful being. We are the Wayshowers …. The Light Shines Forth for

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