monkey pushes girl very funny video

2 years ago

In Indonesia and elsewhere in Asia, monkeys are often kept as “pets” and used for human amusement. Indonesian law doesn’t protect all primate species, although topeng monyet (the type of “street entertainment” seen in the video) was reportedly banned in East Java in 2018. Training monkeys for topeng monyet can apparently include torture, and performances increase the risk of zoonotic diseases—like COVID-19—being transmitted.

In their natural habitats, Old World monkeys—like the one abused in this video—spend much of their days on the ground. These primates, who are native to Africa and Asia, have pads on their hind regions that become calloused because of the time they spend sitting to rest or snack on leaves and grasses. Childcare is strictly a female responsibility among them—mothers often carry their babies on their stomachs …

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