The Exodus Project: Conspiracy of Illusion

3 years ago

Book 2

An ancient evil from beyond time threatens to shroud the entire earth in a dismal oppressive gloom. Surreptitiously, it quietly whispers from the unseen abyss of a dark dimension.

Disguised as Globalism, the malevolence infects people's minds with insidious delusions of grandeur and blinds them with half-truths and vailed deceptions.

The dark power corrupts the hearts and minds of many in high places, causing them to believe they are the only ones who can save the planet while convincing them they are elite gods to be worshiped by the masses.

One by one, the world's leaders capitulate until the entire planet becomes united as one. The faint at heart and feeble-minded follow in blind faith until the evil gains the power it needs to manifest as flesh and blood onto our celestial plane to rule in absolute autocracy. Their Trojan Horse is the extraterrestrial deception.

Even so, as the evil essence manifests, many strongly disagree. Believing they had prepared themselves, those who resist quickly find out the System knows more about them than they realize. Thus, fighting the evil System is futile at best, and those who dare soon find themselves effortlessly dispatched by the final Beast's relentless, overwhelming power.

But there is a group of unconventional insurgents who saw this coming from a long way off and uniquely prepared themselves for the ominous unnatural disaster to come. They are The Exodus Project.

Unfortunately, one of their own has been institutionalized and slated for brainwashing. Thus, the fledgling Two Rocks clan must devise a plan to help their comrade before the System either succeeds in their efforts or terminates her in the process.

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