Dr. Bryan Ardis: We Need to Stop this Murderous Protocol - Everyone's Lives are Threatened Now

3 years ago

Dr. Bryan Ardis recently lost his father-in-law to a hospital who forced COVID protocols on him. He has done extensive studies on the drug Remdesivir and Anthony Fauci's criminal activities in forcing hospitals to use this dangerous drug, while banning other more effective drugs that are safe.

Dr. Ardis believes that the use of the dangerous Remdesivir drug is the #1 cause of deaths in COVID wards today, not COVID itself. He also states that hospitals are being incentivised financially to recommend Remdesivir over other drugs.

He warns people to stay out of hospitals right because they are medically and criminally kidnapping people.

This interview was extracted from the Stop the Shot - Caught on Tape Press Conference found here: https://rumble.com/voboxj-stop-the-shot-caught-on-tape...html

Article: https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/attorneys-and-doctors-warn-that-hospitals-are-no-longer-safe-remdesivir-drug-kills-25-of-patients-85-patients-on-ventilators-die/

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