WHY You keep choosing partners that are so BAD for you! EXPLAINED!!

3 years ago

WHY YOU KEEP CHOOSING PARTNERS THAT ARE SO BAD FOR YOU! [EXPLAINED!!] // In this video, I will explain more into why we pick difficult partners, why we choose partners that are bad for us and why you choose the wrong partner. If you have, you’ve probably wondered why you do & wish that you didn’t. This video will go into why we pick abusive partners, why we pick narcissistic partners, and if in the past you’ve wondered “Why I picked a difficult partner”, this will help you understand more. There are many signs of an incompatible relationship – the biggest one is that you constantly feel disrespected. Ever wonder “why I keep attracting narcissists, why I keep attracting the wrong partner, and why I keep attracting the wrong person?” Well it’s time to watch this video, then work together to change that all up so you never have to wonder “why do I keep dating the wrong person” ever again!

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