Tucker Carlson blasts the FDA panel decision approving Pfizer's vaccine for children

3 years ago

Theoretically, there are 3 legitimate medical reasons to take a vaccine:
1. To protect yourself — To lower the chance of serious disease (morbidity) and death (mortality)
2. To protect the system — To lesson load on limited hospital capacity
3. To protect others — To lower the chance that you infect (vulnerable) others

It is abundantly clear that COVID is less dangerous for children than the seasonal flu. The only children who died with COVID already had extremely serious underlying diseases, such as leukemia. This means that argument 1 and 2 mentioned above do not apply to children. (If you don't get seriously ill, you obviously don't need to go to the hospital.)
It is now also clear that children do not transmit COVID disease to adults so no vaccine is needed to prevent that. Even if they did, the vaccines cannot prevent transmission. Argument 3 is therefore also not applicable.

Any protection that the vaccines provide is now also known to wane within months, therefore the push for boosters.

So there are no valid reasons for vaccinating children for COVID19, but there are many reasons NOT to vaccinate them. We have already seen lots of problems that there are serious problems with myocarditis (heart inflammation) in young people, and it is certain that we are seeing only the tip of the iceberg, since almost no serious research is being done and there is extreme underreporting.
There are also many other extremely serious adverse events from the vaccines. See for instance the story of Maddie De Garay at https://www.banned.video/watch?id=60db528ccc1fad336bb9f0ac.

We also have absolutely no data on medium and long term risks. No data is known about risk of auto immune diseases, cancer risk, fertility issues, genotoxicity, et cetera because no research has been performed on these subjects. When the authorities or others say that no steps were skipped in the safety trials, they are LYING, because MANY steps were skipped!

Conclusions: there are NO valid reasons for mass vaccinating children against COVID19 and extremely strong reasons for NOT doing so. Vaccinating children against COVID19 is extremely reckless and child abuse because there are no valid benefits but huge risks!

A vaccine mandate for children would be even worse. Currently many would call such a mandate a conspiracy theory. To these people I suggest to look at the track record of all the abundant conspiracy theories that have become conspiracy fact.

If parents are worried about their child's health or themselves (or grandpa and grandma) becoming sick, there are alternatives to vaccination that are significantly more effective, risk free, cheap and available. These are: adequate ventilation, optimal humidity (40%-60%), adequate vitamin D blood levels (larger than 50 ng/ml), early effective combination treatment (e.g. nasal rinse, mouth wash, gargling, vitamin C, zinc), healthy diet and lifestyle, and voluntary protection of the high risk group (e.g. through prophylaxis).

Source: https://twitter.com/Jimmy_Jeans/status/1453366753615130627

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