Margaret Thatcher | First Radio Interview as Conservative Leader on The Jimmy Young Show | 19/02/75

3 years ago

Margaret Thatcher talks to Jimmy Young and responds to listeners' questions on air. A day after appointing her shadow cabinet, Thatcher says she is still "surprised" when she is announced as the leader of the opposition. Among other things, he asks her about being a woman in politics (does she still cook her husband's breakfast?) and elicits some frank opinions from her, such as "men are very limited in their views about women".
Jimmy Young interviewed every prime minister from Harold Wilson to Tony Blair. Mrs Thatcher was a guest on his show 14 times. These appearances were often during major political events: the Winter of Discontent, the run-up to the 1979 general election, and the Falklands War in 1982.
Originally broadcast 19 February 1975.

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