Fake Vax Certificate For Adolf Hitler Accepted On EU COVID-19 Green Pass Apps

3 years ago

A fake COVID-19 vaccination certificate made out to 'Adolf Hitler' is being accepted by European vaccination apps including in Austria where the dictator was born.

The COVID-19 vaccination certificate, made out to 'Adolf Hitler', has been identified as a valid coronavirus pass by multiple European green pass apps and possibly even wider afield.

When Newsflash ran the QR code through the Austrian version of the COVID-19 vaccination certificate app, which is called Gruener Pass, it was also accepted as valid, as can be seen in this footage.

The images of the vaccination certificate and of the QR code first appeared online in Italy, according to German media outlets such as Der Tagesspiegel, who report that the fake vaccination pass is being accepted by the Italian coronavirus green pass app, as well as the German one.

Coronavirus green passes are a hot topic in Italy where they are at the heart of a heated political debate, with Prime Minister Mario Draghi's government making them necessary in mid-October to be allowed to go to work.

Austria is now reportedly set to follow suit, requiring either proof of vaccination, proof of recovery from coronavirus, or a negative COVID-19 test in the workplace.

While England does not currently require a pass, Scotland have now reportedly implemented a vaccine pass system too.

This fake 'Adolf Hitler' vaccine pass, which comes with a 1st January 1900 birthdate, was first shared online by a Twitter user named in local media reports as 'reversebrain', who recently issued an update to their initial post saying that the 'Adolf Hitler' certificate was not being recognised anymore by the Italian app, although as Newsflash found when they tried in Austria, it appears to still be being validated elsewhere.

It is currently unclear why the fake vaccine pass is being recognised as valid by European coronavirus green pass apps, but netizens and local media have speculated that it could be due to an authentication key leak.

NF/Joe Golder

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