Life in the 5th Dimension 0113 28102021 01 Beyond Dystopia.

3 years ago

Pod Cast: Beyond Dystopia 0113 28102021 01
The New Age – Life in God/YHWH

Order out of chaos NWC/NWO

They want all the chaos they can get their hands on to make it as bad as possible for us, then they come and save us….for our sake!!!!!????
Strategy for: Order out of Chaos
Viruses – new big one/theirs and Gods
Lockdown and green passes+
Stock market crash
Currency collapse
Inflation/pension crisis
Earth quakes+
Huge earth quake
All Volcanoes
More Plagues
Mark of the beast
Digital currencies
Slaves/No income
Make true religion illegal - not theirs
After the War is Won by YHWH:
There will be a reduced population
It will be mixed ethnicity
Basic subsistence farming
Closer to God / nature
5th dimensional thinking
Highly reduced population
New earth land risen and farmed to provide massive amounts of harvest

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