Hard to name #noquarter #justiceforashlii

3 years ago

I almost titled this episode " Told you so samach " , Truth sandwich " or Riech ' N ' Roll . With everything going on these days it is hard to chose , especially with choice being part of the fight . I predicted that the American Nazis would import terrorist as part of their plan to " keep us in check " and they confirmed it . Suddenly they seem to think that ISISK will be able to attack America within a year , how convenient the mid terms are around that time and Al Queda will be able to attack America within two years . Also very convenient timing , the 2024 elections come within that time frame . Wide scale terrorist attacks would give good reason to 1) lockdown and vote from home 2) Institute Martial Law and keep the current fraudulent administration in place . We still have work to do and demands to be met . Election systems MUST be fixed ! States are still " working on it " we must apply pressure . Audits are still being held and these also require pressure from us . Phone apps could take the form of travel papers reminiscent of the Third Reich . They are exempt from what they mandate for us also reminiscent of the Third Reich .They are using OUR children in their sick experiments like Josef Mengele . Parents face jail time for criticizing government schools . To complete the " Told ya so samach " After Illhan Omar pushed to defund police she now criticized Police for not being able to keep people safe . They are trying to make all Law Enforcement seem incapable forcing an outcry for help , then they can have the U.N. move in .

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