3 years ago

If the rapture came after tribulation then Christ died for nothing and our salvation is not eternal. Revelation says that the people who's names were NOT written in the Book of Life will be the ones that take the mark of the beast. So if the rapture isn't before great tribulation that would mean that even I, a born again Believer in Jesus Christ COULD be deceived into taking the mark of the beast which would eternally separate me from Jesus and I would be cast into that fire, talked about in the Parable of the Net and in turn render the Blood of Christ useless. Great Tribulation was reserved for Israel, not the church. As we read in the letters to the churches, the church of Philadelphia is given an open door, the churches letters finish with that door in heaven being opened as John enters (as a prototype for the church not yet born) and as John enters we are told here are the things that must take place AFTER that event (rapture). The saddest part of this is, in those letters the people in the other 6 churches are told if they do not repent and believe Jesus they too will be cast with Israel into great tribulation.

Is the "mystery" revealed to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:51 and in Colossians 1:26,27 the same "mystery"? https://www.tedmontgomery.com/bblovrvw/emails/mystery.html

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